Saturday, June 13, 2009

History magazine reveals America's true history

Fast-growing Leben unveils nearly lost Christian stories

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Decades of secularization in the United States have cost the nation the common knowledge of the influences and impact of Christianity across the years, but one magazine is waging a campaign to restore that information to the country.

For example, a well-debated topic is whether the Founding Fathers were Christians?

Revisionists who have been rewriting America's history schoolbooks say certainly not. But neither were they all committed believers. According to the powerful and eloquent presentation in a quarterly magazine of Christian history and biography called Leben, the truth is that there was a battle raging for the hearts and minds of the newborn Republic in 1776 that continues today.

For a limited time, you can sample a six-month subscription to Leben absolutely free.

Each issue is a virtual collector's item, lavishly illustrated, intelligently written and bringing to its readers stories of courage and faithfulness you simply won't find anywhere else.

"The stories already exist," Leben Editor Wayne Johnson told WND. "This is our actual history. It's just a matter of poring through centuries-old books and records and piecing the narratives together."

He says many of the stories have been lost because of a society that insists on secularizing its history.

"Some of them have been systematically buried for generations," he said. "In other cases, we simply have better tools today to uncover and piece together facts using modern technology and the Internet. For example, we routinely correspond with small museums and libraries in Europe, and around the world for that matter, who share our passion for uncovering these unique and often quite amazing facts, stories, old woodcuts, paintings, etc. all of which we tie together to bring our readers a 'you are there' experience."

Leben is what Johnson calls a "labor of love" of the students, faculty and friends of City Seminary in Sacramento, California.

Appeal promised in Obama eligibility lawsuit

Accuses Obama of fraudulently serving as senator

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Philip Berg, the Democrat from Pennsylvania who has pursued three legal challenges to Barack Obama's eligibility under the Constitution to occupy the Oval Office, says he'll appeal a judge's ruling in a case that until now had been under court-ordered seal.

Berg said in an announcement on his website documenting his challenges that the case under seal now can be discussed after it was dismissed and he's decided to appeal.

The action cited the False Claims Act and accused Obama of defrauding the United States Treasury "by illegally being a U.S. senator from Illinois as Obama is an Illegal Alien, not a U.S. Citizen," the website said.

Berg filed the action against Obama and after months of delay Attorney General Eric Holder's staff confirmed its decision not to pursue an investigation.

The dismissal came from a federal judge in Washington this week.

"A False Claims Act [FCA] case is when a person has knowledge that another party has obtained money from the government based on a false claim," Berg's website explained. "In this instance, in order to be a United States senator, you must be a United States citizen for nine [9] years. Obama is not a United States citizen and therefore, usurped the office of U.S. senator for Illinois and obtained payment from the U.S. Department of the Treasury based on his false statements that he was a U.S. citizen and constitutionally eligible to serve the position of United States senator."

Berg continued: "What a miscarriage of justice! At a closed door hearing on June 9, 2009, because of the status of the 'sealed case,' sealed because of the nature of the case, that being a 'Qui Tam' or FCA [False Claims Action] case, the attorney general through his representatives refused to proceed with the prosecution of Obama for fraudulently serving as a U.S. senator from Illinois for 3 ½ years."

Where's the proof Barack Obama was born in the U.S. or that he fulfills the "natural-born American" clause in the Constitution? If you still want to see it, join more than 380,000 others and sign up now!

Berg said he presented "overwhelming evidence" Obama was ineligible to be senator, "and therefore, Obama fraudulently received a salary and benefits of nearly $1 million dollars."

He confirmed he had cited the apparent conflict of interest of having Obama's appointee, Holder, involved in the case, and requested a special prosecutor – but was turned down.

"I am not giving up and am continuing my legal fight to prove Obama is not constitutionally qualified/eligible to be president of the United States. I am proceeding for the 305 plus million people in 'our' U.S.A., for 'our' forefathers and for the 1.5 million men and women that have died defending our Constitution in the many wars over the years and the 1.5 million men and women who were injured in those wars," Berg said.

His Berg vs. Obama is pending before the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and his Hollister vs. Soetoro a/k/a Obama is pending before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.