Friday, May 22, 2009

Stop Obama's USA Anti-Sovereignty Nomination of Legal Advisor to the State Department

Hello Intelligent Thinker.

Harold Koh has been nominated by President Obama to serve as the next Legal Adviser to the Department of State. However, Harold Koh is an outspoken believer in "transnationalism", the idea that AMERICAN courts should apply and honor the laws of other nations.
Koh favors foreign law over American law.

The State Department Legal Adviser is the voice of the United States around the world on international legal issues. Among other responsibilities, the Legal Adviser:

(1) is involved in the negotiation, drafting, and interpretation of treaties, U.N. Security Council resolutions, and General Assembly resolutions

(2) represents the United States in international negotiations, at international organizations, and before the International Court of Justice

(3) interprets and seeks to develop international law.

Wheres the Birth Certificate? ....Obama?

WASHINGTON – As WND's billboard campaign to raise visibility of the issues surrounding Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility yesterday continued to attract eager donors, the president had this to say: "I will never hide the truth because it is uncomfortable."

"On all of these matters related to the disclosure of sensitive information, I wish I could say that there is a simple formula," Obama said. "But there is not. These are tough calls involving competing concerns, and they require a surgical approach. But the common thread that runs through all of my decisions is simple: we will safeguard what we must to protect the American people, but we will also ensure the accountability and oversight that is the hallmark of our constitutional system.

I will never hide the truth because it is uncomfortable. I will deal with Congress and the courts as co-equal branches of government. I will tell the American people what I know and don’t know, and when I release something publicly or keep something secret, I will tell you why."

Joseph Farah, WND's editor and chief executive officer, reacted to Obama's statement in stunned amazement (see the rest of this story through the "billboard" link above).