Part 2 Interview with Thomas Sowell
[M]uch, IF NOT MOST, of the economic advancement of blacks occurred in the twenty years PRIOR to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
A dynamic alert and dialogue on preserving the U.S.A. Constitutional Republic form of limited government, free enterprise systems and responsible individual self-rule, as in... We the people, for the people, and by the people. A free flow of ideas, comments and opinions about individual challenges and/or opportunities and their solutions - congruent with the Judeo-Christian core values on which the U.S.A. was created, developed and formed.
[M]uch, IF NOT MOST, of the economic advancement of blacks occurred in the twenty years PRIOR to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Peter Robinson: Cui bono, who benefits from [rent control]? Thomas Sowell: Politicians most of all…. Because they get the reputation of being for the poor and the downtrodden and …. They are preventing the evil landlords from raising the rent… so they gain by that. Both the landlords and the tenants lose.
by Katie Pavlich
In a 5-3 decision, the Supreme Court has upheld the Legal Arizona Worker's Act, passed in 2007, that allows the state of Arizona to punish employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants. The "controversial" law was opposed by the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
The Supreme Court has sustained Arizona's law that penalizes businesses for hiring workers who are in the United States illegally, rejecting arguments that states have no role in immigration matters.
By a 5-3 vote, the court said Wednesday that federal immigration law gives states the authority to impose sanctions on employers who hire unauthorized workers.
This ruling sets positive precedent for SB 1070 as the Supreme Court rejected arguments in the ruling that states have no role in immigration policy. A win for Arizona and numerous other states like Georgia, Utah, North Carolina, South Carolina, Nebraska and more who have taken the illegal immigration issue into their own hands due to the failure of the federal government to enforce immigration laws.