WorldNetDaily Exclusive
WND keeps you up-to-date on Rush, Beck, all your favorites
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Did you hear what happened on Hannity's radio show this week? Wonder what all the buzz is about on Beck?
Now, WND enables you to keep up with the world of talk radio – without having to sit through all the commercials, news and weather – by "tuning in" to the newest feature on WND's Diversions page, "Talk Radio Watch."
Each Friday, the feisty blogger from, Kathy Shaidle, recaps the week's biggest stories – both on the air and behind the scenes – from all across the radio dial.
"The only thing that kept me somewhat sane at my last office job in Toronto was the ability to listen to American conservative talk radio on my iPod," Shaidle told WND, "the better to block out the anti-Americanism and knee-jerk liberalism oozing from all the cubicles around me.
"I kept wishing someone would write a column like 'Talk Radio Watch,'" she concluded, "a weekly round-up of program highlights, along with stories of radio hosts making the news. I got tired of waiting for that 'someone' to appear, so I finally decided to write the column myself."
WND Exclusive
Now on the air: Talk Radio Watch!
WND keeps you up-to-date on Rush, Beck, all your favorites
Posted: September 04, 2009
11:31 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Did you hear what happened on Hannity's radio show this week? Wonder what all the buzz is about on Beck?
Now, WND enables you to keep up with the world of talk radio – without having to sit through all the commercials, news and weather – by "tuning in" to the newest feature on WND's Diversions page, "Talk Radio Watch."
Each Friday, the feisty blogger from, Kathy Shaidle, recaps the week's biggest stories – both on the air and behind the scenes – from all across the radio dial.
"The only thing that kept me somewhat sane at my last office job in Toronto was the ability to listen to American conservative talk radio on my iPod," Shaidle told WND, "the better to block out the anti-Americanism and knee-jerk liberalism oozing from all the cubicles around me.
"I kept wishing someone would write a column like 'Talk Radio Watch,'" she concluded, "a weekly round-up of program highlights, along with stories of radio hosts making the news. I got tired of waiting for that 'someone' to appear, so I finally decided to write the column myself."
(Story continues below)
"Each week for the past year, I've posted a 'talk radio week in review' for my blog readers' enjoyment," Shaidle said. "I'm very excited about bringing the column to WND's much wider readership – especially now, when conservative talk radio is increasingly under attack. I promise to provide all the latest news about the rumored return of the 'Fairness Doctrine' and let WND readers know how they can help fight these attempts to censor political broadcasting."
Shaidle is a blogging pioneer whose is now in its ninth year. She has written for a variety of print and web outlets, including David Horowitz's NewsReal blog, FrontPageMagazine, PajamasMedia,, the American Spectator, Catholic World Report and
Shaidle's most recent book – "The Tyranny of Nice: How Canada Crushes Freedom in the Name of Human Rights, and Why It Matters to Americans" – features an introduction by author and occasional Rush Limbaugh guest Mark Steyn:
"Kathy Shaidle is one of the great virtuoso polemicists of our day," Steyn writes. "If the 'human rights' racketeers get their way, she’ll be unpublishable in her own country. But, in the end, that’s a reflection not on her but on them."
"Kathy Shaidle is a great warrior of free speech in Canada," adds Robert Spencer, author of "Stealth Jihad." "Her weblog … is a daily must-read."
Now, Shaidle brings to WND a new must-read for talk radio fans.
Look for "Talk Radio Watch," Shaidle's weekly recaps of the buzz on the airwaves, each Friday afternoon on WND's Diversions page.
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