Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Word about Michael Jackson

by Steve Shultz/op-ed

...circumstances make me wonder if God grabbed him one day, as he did for me.

We know that, through the examples of Nicodemus, who came to Jesus at night in secret and the thief on the cross that God saves both at the last minute and based on the heart, not based on works.

MJThere were many Christians in attendance at the Michael Jackson funeral on Tuesday, and "Soon and Very Soon (we are going to see the King)," was sung, along with other Gospel songs. (Photo: Reuters)

We personally know of two Believers who were summoned by Michael in some time period to talk and pray with Michael Jackson. You don't get to see Michael Jackson unless he calls for you, that I am certain of.

I can't tell you if he was saved or not. God knows. But frankly, it would be silly not to mention such a monumental event [as his memorial], or to conclude he wasn't saved.

But for the grace of God, I could have been lost but God reached down and grabbed hold of me around 1981. Until then, I judged most Christians as lost, even though I claimed certain truth, yet judged others who really were saved. A chain-smoking woman made me a Jesus Believer, and I was still a mess. Who isn't still a mess?

Circumstances make me wonder if God grabbed Michael Jackson one day, as he did for me. (Although he would have had to choose of course, at the last second, just as the thief on the cross)

Please be in prayer for the Jackson family who is certainly hurting in the wake of the loss of a son, a brother, and a father.

Steve Shultz
Founding Editor, Breaking Christian News

King Barack?

David Limbaugh :: Townhall.com Columnist
by David Limbaugh

Oh, how quickly times have changed. Just a few short years ago, Democrats were up in arms over King George III's (President George W. Bush's) "unconstitutional" executive power grabs. Where are these people now?

I'll tell you where they are: right in the thick of it, enabling President Barack Obama to consolidate and exercise unprecedented power.

Remember when Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy complained that the constitutional "checks and balances that have served to constrain abuses of power for more than two centuries in this country" were at risk because Republicans controlled the executive and legislative branches? How about Sen. Russ Feingold, who was looking at impeachment as a remedy to keep the president in check and prevent him from acquiring power "like King George III"?

Today these same senators are not just passively mute about Obama's power grabs; they are co-conspirators.

You might think the repeated conservative complaint about Obama's egregious lack of transparency is, by now, a tired talking point. But we're not just referring to minor procedural matters that are substantively inconsequential.

He hasn't just breached his promise to make his legislation available for public preview. He and his congressional cohorts are burying very important matters in legislation.

The Waxman-Markey cap and tax debacle that just slipped through the House was bad enough, with its mandated broad-based assaults on America's taxpayers, energy and economy in exchange for no appreciable expected environmental benefits. But look at its stealth provision, reported by the Washington Examiner, creating a three-year package of unemployment benefits, a $1,500 job relocation allowance and a health insurance premium subsidy for workers unemployed as a result of this "jobs creation" bill. Unbelievable! How can any congressman who voted for this monstrosity possibly get re-elected?

This was nothing new, though, as you'll recall that Obama's non-stimulative stimulus bill increased unemployment benefits for those not magically benefited by that job creations bill.

Indeed, there are so many Obama abuses I can only chronicle a fraction of them in a short column. But just consider a few others, and ask yourself how long even rank-and-file Democrats can justify supporting such tyrannical madness by this arrogant chief executive, who truly is -- as distinguished from Bush -- engaged in a daily quest to "dictate" fundamental, structural changes to this nation:

--ABC News reported that a senior White House official said the urgency of extending the expiring U.S.-Russia nuclear arms treaty "might mean temporarily bypassing the Senate's constitutional role in ratifying treaties." Did you hear that, Sens. Leahy and Feingold?

--President Obama is appointing so many "czars" to help him run the government without the usual accountability of Cabinet-level positions that even Sen. Robert Byrd said this practice "can threaten the constitutional system of checks and balances." Byrd's worried, but what do Leahy and Feingold think of Obama's pay czar, who'll have broad discretion over executive pay?