Wednesday, June 24, 2009

If you thought Obama stole from you already, hold on to your seats...

between the lines Joseph Farah

'Global warming 101'

© 2009

Now that Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress have straightened out the automobile industry, solved the banking problems, ended the housing mess, reversed the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and have begun the process on providing universal health care, they are setting their sights on saving the planet from the ravages of "man-made, catastrophic global warming."

How are they going to do it?

The same way they solved all the other problems – by stealing more wealth and freedom from you, your children, your grandchildren and your great-grandchildren.

However, there is one difference between the issue of "climate change" and all the others.

All the other problems actually had at least some basis in reality. In other words, there really were some problems associated with the automobile industry, the banks, housing, the economy and health care. I would suggest to you that the very people designing the "solutions" were responsible for creating those messes. And I would also suggest to you that their "solutions" are actually only going to make matters worse.

Is Al Gore being disingenuous? Read the truth about climate change in "Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed"

But, at least, we can all agree that there were some issues needing to be addressed – if not by Washington, by someone.

That is not the case at all with so-called "global warming


In this case, the very crisis itself has been manufactured out of whole cloth for the express purpose of redistributing wealth, inhibiting freedom and empowering government beyond our wildest imaginations.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand this. In fact, it helps if you are not an employee of NASA – because NASA has a vested interest in exploiting the "global warming" myth.

But while banking and car-making and the economy and health care are all tough issues for ordinary, untrained people to understand, the weather is most definitely not.

Let's face it – farmers can predict the weather as well as most meteorologists. With a homemade barometer, a thermometer and an understanding of cloud formations, I've trained my 9-year-old daughter to do as good a job at predicting the weather as the local weather professionals.

Most of us live in climates where the temperature range can easily top 40 degrees in a 24-hour period. Did you ever think about that? It's not unusual to have temperatures rise 40 degrees or more from night to day. In some climates, the range can be much higher – in one day!

Over the course of a week, you can see much more significant changes in temperature.

Over the course of a month, you will witness even greater changes.

And, of course, over a 365-day period, you will see temperature changes that can easily top 100 degrees. Again, far more in some places – like New York, Chicago, Boston, Minneapolis, Denver and so forth.

Obama to Iran: Let Them Eat Ice Cream

Ann Coulter :: Columnist
by Ann Coulter

On Iran, President Obama is worse than Hamlet. He's Colin Powell, waiting to see who wins before picking a side.

Last week, massive protests roiled Iran in response to an apparently fraudulent presidential election, in which nutcase Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner within two hours of the polls closing. (ACORN must be involved.)

Special offer: Ann Coulter's book free when you subscribe to Townhall Magazine

Obama responded by boldly declaring that the difference between the loon Ahmadinejad and his reformist challenger, Mir Hossein Mousavi, "may not be as great as advertised."

Maybe the thousands of dissenters risking their lives protesting on the streets of Tehran are doing so because they liked Mousavi's answer to the "boxers or briefs" question better than Ahmadinejad's.

Then, in a manly rebuke to the cheating mullahs, Obama said: "You've seen in Iran some initial reaction from the supreme leader" -- peace be upon him -- "that indicates he understands the Iranian people have deep concerns about the election."

Did FDR give speeches referring to Adolf Hilter as "Herr Fuhrer"? What's with Obama?

Even the French condemned the Iranian government's "brutal" reaction to the protesters -- and the French have tanks with one speed in forward and five speeds in reverse.

You might be a scaredy-cat if ... the president of France is talking tougher than you are.

More than a week ago, French president Nicolas Sarkozy said: "The ruling power claims to have won the elections ... if that were true, we must ask why they find it necessary to imprison their opponents and repress them with such violence."

But liberals rushed to assure us that Obama's weak-kneed response to the Iranian uprising and the consequent brutal crackdown was a brilliant foreign policy move. (They also proclaimed his admission that he still smokes "lion-hearted" and "statesmanlike.")

As our own Supreme Leader B. Hussein Obama (peace be upon him) explained, "It's not productive given the history of U.S.-Iranian relations to be seen as meddling."

You see, if the president of the United States condemned election fraud in Iran, much less put in a kind word for the presidential candidate who is not crazy, it would somehow crush the spirit of the protesters when they discovered, to their horror, that the Great Satan was on their side. (It also wouldn't do much for Al Franken in Minnesota.)

Liberals hate America, so they assume everyone else does, too.

So when a beautiful Iranian woman, Neda Agha Soltan, was shot dead in the streets of Iran during a protest on Saturday and a video of her death ricocheted around the World Wide Web, Obama valiantly responded by ... going out for an ice cream cone. (Masterful!)

Commenting on a woman's cold-blooded murder in the streets of Tehran, like the murder of babies, is evidently above Obama's "pay grade."

If it were true that a U.S. president should stay neutral between freedom-loving Iranian students and their oppressors, then why is Obama speaking in support of the protesters now? Are liberals no longer worried about the parade of horribles they claimed would ensue if the U.S. president condemned the mullahs?

American Jews fund anti-Israel organizations

WND Exclusive


Groups work with Palestinian Authority, promote Iran nukes

By Samuel Sokol and David Bedein

A U.S. organization has been receiving money from perhaps unsuspecting Jewish donors to support blatantly anti-Israel groups.

American Jews wishing to donate money to Israeli causes routinely utilize local city Jewish federations as a middleman. Hundreds of millions of dollars per year are sent to Jewish federations across the country with the expectation contributions will be used to aid worthy causes in Israel.

Many U.S. Jewish federations as well as individual Jewish donors give to the New Israel Fund, or NIF, a Washington, D.C.-based foundation dedicated to fostering social change and progressive causes in Israel.

Is Israel aleady done for? Find out in Aaron Klein's "The Late Great State of Israel"

The NIF budget comes from a combination of donors. These include the Ford Foundation, grant organizations such as the Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation and the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, as well as various Jewish communal federations such as the Jewish Federation in New York, the Durham-Chapel Hill Federation and the Jewish Federation of Grand Rapids.

However, while many of the programs run by the NIF are considered laudable in the pro-Israel community, such as work the group does with economically disadvantaged Ethiopian immigrants, the flagship grantees of the NIF are Israeli-Arab nongovernmental organizations that openly and unabashedly dedicate themselves to removing the Jewish character of the state of Israel.