Friday, August 7, 2009

Snitch switch: Turn tables on Obama rat patrol

WND Exclusive

Tell president where you stand on socialized medicine

The White House calls it an effort to root out "disinformation." Critics call it "Chicago thug politics" and "totalitarian tactics."

"It" is the Obama administration's call for Americans to snitch on their neighbors by e-mailing to the White House any communications they receive "about health insurance reform that seem fishy."

The desperation move by Obama, who has staked the "success" of his presidency on nationalizing another 17 percent of the nation's economy – America's gigantic health care industry – comes in the wake of poll after poll saying Americans are scared and outraged over what they're hearing about "Obamacare." (The August edition of WND's monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled "MEDICAL MURDER," is devoted entirely to exploring Obama's proposed health care takeover.)

Unfortunately, the administration's response to increasing public furor over Obamacare – whether expressed at townhall meetings with congressmen, or just by communicating with each other over the Internet – is to attempt to thwart free speech and squelch dissent. But WND is providing a way to fight fire with fire. Sign the WND petition against socialized medicine and against these Big Brother tactics of intimidation. Stand up boldly and proclaim your dissent. Make the enemies list so big, retribution and intimidation will be meaningless.

John Cornyn, R-Texas, has demanded that Obama either halt the program, widely known in the blogosphere as the "snitch" program, or define how he will protect the privacy of those who send or are the subject of e-mails to the e-mail address.

"I am not aware of any precedent for a president asking American citizens to report their fellow citizens to the White house for pure political speech that is deemed 'fishy' or otherwise inimical to the White House's political interests," the Texas senator wrote in a letter to Obama.

"By requesting that citizens send 'fishy' e-mails to the White House, it is inevitable that the names, e-mail addresses, IP addresses, and private speech of U.S. citizens will be reported … You should not be surprised that these actions taken by your White House staff raise the specter of a data collection system."

The White House announcement cited "opponents" of health care reform who may "find the truth a little inconvenient."

"Scary chain e-mails and videos are starting to percolate on the Internet, breathlessly claiming, for example, to 'uncover' the truth about the president's health insurance reform positions," the website says.

Stop socialism in its tracks – sign the petition now!

"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain e-mails or through casual conversation. Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an e-mail or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to," the White House instructed.

Mathew Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel, said, "I am shocked and dismayed that Barack Obama's White House is now monitoring e-mail traffic nationwide if it opposes his government takeover of healthcare."

Staver's organization already has analyzed the health care plan, and confirmed it contains health care rationing, a national health ID card complete with government access to personal bank accounts, government decisions on what health care benefits are available and mandatory taxpayer support for abortion.

Radio talk show icon Rush Limbaugh also chastised the president.

"Well, I would hate to see what they're going to get now at I wonder what kind of e-mails they're going to get now. They're looking for tattletales; they're looking for snitches; they're looking for informants; they want their groupies to tattle on you if you happen to be telling the truth about what's in the health care plan. The White House has, as yet, offered no explanation of what it is they plan to do with the tips on policy opposition they hope to receive from citizen informers."

Cornyn also told the president he wanted to know "what action you intend to take against citizens who have been reported."

Further, "Do your own past statements qualify as 'disinformation'? For example, is it 'disinformation' to note that in 2003 you said, 'I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer universal health care plan'?" Cornyn wrote.

WND reported earlier when Staver condemned the health plan as worse than China's mandatory one-child policy.

The Liberty Counsel analysis said under Section 1308, the government will dictate marriage and family therapy as well as mental health services, including the definitions of those treatments, and under Section 1401, a Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research would be set up, creating a bureaucracy through which federal employees could determine whether any treatment is "comparatively effective" for any individual based on the cost, likely success and probably the years left in life.

It also, according to Staver, "covers abortions, transsexual surgeries, encourages counseling as to how many children you should have, whether you should increase the interval between children."

The Liberty Counsel analysis also pointed out the government would be allowed to ration health care procedures, prevent "judicial review" of its decision, tell doctors what income they can have, impose new taxes for anyone not having an "acceptable" coverage, regulate whether seniors can have wheelchairs, penalize hospitals or doctors whose patients require "readmission," prevent the expansion of hospitals and set up procedures for home visits by health care analysts.

Under Section 440, Liberty Counsel said, the government "will design and implement Home Visitation Program for families with young kids and families that expect children." And Section 194 provides for a program that has the government "coming into your house and teaching/telling you how to parent," LC said.

Petition Obama and Congress

"The government is spending taxpayers' hard-earned money employing a snitch czar," said WND Editor Joseph Farah. "Let's save some of that tax money by saving them the trouble and letting our supposed public servants know, in no uncertain terms, that Americans by the millions do not want socialized medicine. Every other nation that has adopted this system has paid a terrible price. We don't want to follow in their footsteps and end up rationing and denying care to the very people who need it most – the elderly and the very ill. Yet that is always what happens with socialized medicine."

Thus, WND hereby introduces a new petition: Let the White House and Congress know exactly what you think of socialized medicine in the U.S.A.!

Here's the petition wording:


To: The President of the United States, The Congress of the United States

Whereas, wherever government-run health care, or socialized medicine, has been adopted it has led to severe rationing – which means outright denial – of life-saving medical treatment, particularly to the elderly and very ill (for example, British seniors, under their government-run system, are routinely denied treatment for cancer, heart disease and other deadly illnesses);

Whereas, Obama's "special adviser for health policy," Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Rahm Emanuel, is a longtime advocate of "age-weighted medical rationing" – meaning, the older you are, the less care you get, just like the British system;

Whereas, Barack Obama, Barney Frank and other top federal officials have explicitly and publicly stated their ultimate goal is a "single-payer" health care system – that is, completely socialized, with no private insurance – despite their claims now to the contrary;

Whereas, despite repeated assurances by Obama that "if you're happy with your current insurance or doctor, you can keep it under my plan," his plan would inevitably and intentionally drive private insurance out of business, leaving only the government to oversee Americans' health care and approve their treatment;

Whereas, as columnist Charlotte Allen explained in the Los Angeles Times, "In looking for a way to fund healthcare, Obama has set his eye on the oldest and sickest. … About 30 percent of Medicare spending – nearly $100 billion annually – goes to care for patients during their last year of life. What if there were no 'last year of life,' the president seems to be asking. ... [W]hy not save billions of dollars by killing off our own unproductive oldsters and terminal patients, or – since we aren't likely to do that outright in this, the 21st century – why not simply ensure that they die faster by denying them costly medical care? The savings could then subsidize care for the younger and healthier";

Whereas, Obama himself admitted during a June town hall event televised by ABC News that one way to cut medical costs would be to stop expensive procedures on people about to die, saying: "Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller";

Whereas, the government's own nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says Obamacare will increase the government's already obscene level of deficit spending by hundreds of billions of dollars;

Whereas, a federal government takeover of the entire health care delivery system is in flagrant violation of the U.S. Constitution:


We, the undersigned, assert our rights as citizens of the United States in demanding that the Obama administration and Congress stop referring to normal, law-abiding, taxpaying citizens who oppose government's attempted takeover of medical care as a "mob"; that it cease and desist using Chicago thug political tactics in an attempt to intimidate citizens from exercising their First Amendment free speech right; and most of all, that it abandon its plan to utterly destroy America's health care system, which is the envy of the world, and to replace it with a system that has failed miserably in every country in which it has been adopted.

If you agree with the above and are outraged at Obama's Big Brother-style intimidation approach to achieving his long-time goal of socialized medicine, don't wait for some snitch to turn you in. Be bold. Be courageous. Be an American. Sign this petition and let Obama know you oppose his diabolical plan to become doctor-in-chief.

As soon as the petition gains its first 25,000 names, WND will forward the petition to the White House and Congress, and each time another 25,000 sign, they'll be forwarded too.

This is not a time to cower in fear, but to let your government know in overwhelming numbers that you oppose what will, unquestionably, be the destruction of the best health care system in the entire world.

Sign the petition now!

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Bill would force Obama to reveal birth documents


State senator: 'Why wouldn't they be available to the public?'

By Jerome R. Corsi

Hawaii state Sen. Will Espero, a Democrat, has confirmed plans to introduce legislation through which the state's lawmakers would force the public disclosure of all President Obama's birth documents held by the Hawaii Department of Health, including President Obama’s long-form original birth certificate.

Espero told WND his bill is aimed at "giving citizens access to birth records" under a standard of government transparency which would permit journalists to request in writing the public disclosure of vital birth records including long-form birth certificates of all persons born in Hawaii. He said it would include the release of birth records on those previously born in Hawaii.

"My decision to file the legislation was primarily a result of the fuss over President Obama's birth records and the lingering questions," Espero said.

Espero told WND that he believes President Obama was born in Hawaii.

"My motivation is strictly to promote transparency," he said. "When I found out that Hawaii birth records were not available to the public my first thought was, 'Why wouldn't they be available to the public?'

"As far as I am concerned, records regarding whether a person was born here or not should be in the public domain," he said.

Asked specifically about Obama's birth records, including the original long-form birth certificate, Espero said, "Whatever birth records regarding President Obama that the Hawaii Department has on file should be made public."

Espero emphasized that his legislation would make provisions to deal with security issues by making sure no information would be released that could aid criminals to commit identity theft.

Once his legislation is drafted, Espero said he would submit it to Hawaii Director of Health Dr. Chiyome Fukino for comment before introducing the legislation to the Hawaii state legislature.

WND previously reported that the Hawaii Department of Health destroyed no paper long-form original birth certificate records when the agency moved to electronic record keeping in 2001.

Get the eligibility movie that debuted on Obama's birthday! It's the DVD that probes this unprecedented presidential mystery!

"I am not aware of any birth certificate records that have been destroyed by the department," Janice Okubo, Public Information Officer for the Hawaii DOH, told WND.

"When the department went electronic in 2001, vital records whether in paper form or any other form have been maintained. We don't destroy records," she said.

Okubo affirmed that beginning in 2001, all vital records including birth records moved to electronic formats.

"Any records that we had in paper or any other form before 2001 are still in file within the department," she insisted. "We have not destroyed any vital statistics records that we have."

WND has also reported the Hawaiian Department of Health declined to authenticate either of the two versions of President Obama's short-form "Certification of Live Birth," posted online – one image produced by the Obama campaign and the other produced by

Okubu also had no explanation for why Dr. Chiyome Fukino's initial press release in her position as chief of the health department last October and subsequent press release on July 27 avoided declaring the posted images to be authentic documents.

Want to turn up the pressure to learn the facts? Get your signs and postcards asking for the president's birth certificate documentation here.

WND has reported the Kenyan birth document released by California attorney Orly Taitz is probably not authentic, according to WND's investigative operatives in Africa.

That's even though officials in Nairobi do not rule out the possibility President Obama may indeed have been born in their country.

WND obtained several samples of Kenyan birth certificates in use around Aug. 4, 1961, the date of Obama's birth, showing differences from the Taitz document. Earlier Kenyan birth certificate samples obtained by WND had shown similarities to the Taitz document, but it was determined they were not contemporaneous.

WND reported Sunday on the document Taitz has been trying to authenticate.

She filed a motion in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California requesting the purported evidence of Obama's birth – both the alleged birth certificate and foreign records not yet obtained – be preserved from destruction. She also asked for permission to legally request documents from Kenya and is seeking a subpoena for a deposition from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"I filed the motion with the court asking for expedited discovery, which would allow me to start subpoenas and depositions even before Obama and the government responds," Taitz told WND then. "I am asking the judge to give me the power to subpoena the documents from the Kenyan embassy and to require a deposition from Hillary Clinton so they will be forced to authenticate [the birth certificate]."

A judge shortly later dismissed the document and Taitz' requests.

The document she revealed:

This document purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth for Barack Obama, allegedly born in Mombasa, Kenya, in 1961

But an authentic 1961-era Kenyan birth certificate obtained by WND shows distinct differences.

The verified 1961-era Kenyan birth certificate is described at the top as a "Government of Kenya" document. It includes: Where Born; Name or names; Sex; Father's occupation and rank; Father's nationality; Name and maiden name for mother; Mother's Occupation; Mother's nationality; Signature, description and residence of information; Date of birth; Date of registration; Baptismal name if added or altered after registration of birth; Reference to register.

Kenyan government officials interviewed by WND sources in Kenya have pointed out a key difference in the Taitz document. In 1961, Mombasa was a part of Zanzibar, not the Coast Province of Kenya. The area was later ceded to Kenya.

The Taitz document has sparked a firestorm of controversy over its authenticity.

According to a posting in the Washington Independent, a "source" said the document was nothing more than an alteration of a "certified copy of registration of birth" from an Australian "Bomford" document that also had been posted on the Internet.

WND has reported on dozens of legal challenges to Obama's status as a "natural born citizen." The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

Some of the lawsuits question whether he was actually born in Hawaii, as he insists. If he was born out of the country, Obama's American mother, the suits contend, was too young at the time of his birth to confer American citizenship to her son under the law at the time.

Other challenges have focused on Obama's citizenship through his father, a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of his birth, thus making him a dual citizen. The cases contend the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born.

Complicating the situation is Obama's decision to spend sums estimated in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to avoid releasing a state birth certificate that would put to rest all of the questions.

WND has reported that among the documentation not yet available for Obama includes kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records and adoption records.

Young America's Foundation 31st Nat'l Conservative Student Conference

Message from Herman Cain

Washington, DC : 50 min. (Wed., Aug. 5, 2009)

During the second day of the YAF annual conference, Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council, gave a speech on "Defending Faith, Family & Freedom in America." Herman Cain, former chairman and CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, addressed the topic "Conservatives Will Not Surrender." Also, YAF Vice President Patrick Coyle gave a speech entitled, “How to Advance Conservative Ideas on Your Campus.”