Friday, November 15, 2013

Obamacare 'fix' affirms Obama as absolute dictator with power to change laws as he pleases

by Mike Adams
the Health Editor of                                                                                                                                        
(NaturalNews) In a desperate bid to save the rapidly collapsing Obamacare socialized medicine program, President Obama announced a "fix" yesterday that would "allow" health insurance companies to avoid cancelling whatever plans haven't already been cancelled due to Obamacare itself.
In doing so, Obama effectively declares himself absolute dictator over all laws across the country, assuming the power to enforce, ignore or alter laws at he pleases.
The problem with this is that such powers do not exist in the Office of the President. Like everything else surrounding Obamacare, Obama himself is simply inventing new powers as he goes along and hoping no one will question his assumed (illegal) authority.

"The unexpected compromise was announced amid growing revolt within Mr. Obama's own party over his broken promise that Americans who liked their insurance could keep it. But it sparked another backlash as some legal scholars questioned whether the president had the authority to create the loophole," reports the Washington Times.

It also, by the way, thrust the insurance industry into a state of chaos where insurance companies now have no idea what's going to be "law" tomorrow, next month or next year. Apparently Obama can simply change his mind at any time and decide that insurance companies are suddenly engaged in mass criminal activities which can then be prosecuted under the law as it is written.

Beware of presidents who claim absolute power over Congress

This is how Hitler rose to power, of course. It's how every tyrant throughout history got his start. It's also precisely what the United States Constitution prohibits in Article II, Section 3, where the language demands that the President "take care that laws be faithfully executed."

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say any President can simply choose to selectively ignore laws passed by Congress. Thus, Obama's new "fix" is blatantly illegal from the start.
Even if it were legal under the U.S. Constitution, it is clearly discriminatory, allowing the White House to essentially decide which insurance companies "get" to be ignored by the law and which companies will be prosecuted for "illegally" keeping policies in place that violate the Affordable Care Act as written. This only creates yet more centralization of power in the White House, giving them the tools to silence dissent among insurance companies by wielding prosecutorial discretion as a political weapon.
Obama unleashes economic despair and market chaos on America
The health insurance industry is now suffering from a case of regulatory whiplash. Obama's enforcement of federal law seems to change with the direction of the wind, and his highly irresponsible, immature actions are causing extreme market destabilization.
At this point, insurance companies have no idea what to believe. Nor do consumers who are shopping for plans. remains in a disastrous state and even though Obama has now announced his unconstitutional "fix" for people to keep their health care plans, there exists no government-legalized mechanism for insurance companies to reinstate policies already cancelled!

Thus, all the policies already cancelled are dead and gone forever. So it's not even clear how Obama's so-called "fix" helps anyone at all.

Like everything else in the Obama administration, this "fix" is nothing more than deceptive smooth talking to gloss over a problem and promote the delusion that everything is working just fine.

Obama's campaign promise of "hope and change" has become a joke.
Sometimes hope is little more than false hope pretending to be real. And sometimes, the most charming, slick talking salesman is actually a con artist. Kevin Trudeau is in prison right now for lying about a weight loss book. Obama lied to the whole country about a far more serious issue, and he gets rewarded with even more power in his unconstitutional effort to "fix" the very problem he caused in the first place.

What's wrong with this picture?


Friday, November 8, 2013

Ex-Marxist calls out Obama as 'communist'

Takes one to know one: Warns health-care failures are means to totalitarian ends

by  Garth Kant 
WASHINGTON – The disastrous launch of Obamacare could be just the beginning of a much larger and far more devastating crisis.

A growing number of analysts worry the health-care program itself has so many flaws that its could lead to the meltdown of the entire American health-delivery system.

And that, some have speculated, could provide just the excuse for the administration to push something called the “single-payer” system of health care as the solution for a catastrophic crisis.

In the case of such a full-blown crisis, critics say, the administration could claim the only solution would be to “transition” into a single-payer system, something President Obama has frequently claimed he prefers.

A ‘transition’ step

In the collage of video clips above, Obama plainly stated before he became president: “I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer, universal health care plan … Everyone in, nobody out.”

He admitted the country might not “get there immediately” but that it could “build off” transitional programs.

Canada, he explained, got to single-payer through a “similar transition step.”

He called for a “transitional system building on the existing systems we have” and noted that such “transitions” can be “very difficult and costly.”

Likewise, Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, R-Nev., called Obamacare just a transitional step toward a single-payer system back in August, well before the health-care law had its debacle of a debut in October.

What is a ‘single-payer’ system?

But, what exactly is a “single-payer” system that the president has repeatedly said he really wants? It’s a term unfamiliar to many Americans.

The “single payer” would be the government. Private insurance companies would be eliminated.

And although groups like Physicians for a National Health Program claim it’s the most efficient and clean way to administer health care, prominent conservative and author David Horowitz has another name for “single payer”: Communism.

Horowitz believes semantics are clouding a crucial issue: When leftists say they favor “single-payer” health insurance, what they really mean is they favor communism.

And that is what President Obama really wants, he concludes.

Gave Obama a chance

Horowitz is conservative, but he is no rhetorical bomb-thrower, prone to wild or exaggerated accusations. In fact, the editor of the conservative FrontPage Magazine advised Americans to give the newly elected President Obama a fair chance.

In March 2009, Horowitz wrote of “the over-the-top hysteria in response to the first months in office of our new president, which distinctly reminds me of the Bush Is Hitler crowd on the left.”

Horowitz advised conservatives to give Obama a chance before opposing him.

“As for Obama’s speeches, they are hardly in the Huey Long, Louie Farrakhan, Fidel Castro vein,” he wrote. “They are in fact eloquently and cleverly centrist and sober. So what’s the panic?”

Now Horowitz may have found reason to panic.

He said Obamacare could be used to pave the way for a single-payer health insurance system. 

And he has no doubt what that would mean.

‘That’s communism’

“Why are we calling it single-payer? Single-payer means that the government has total control of your health care. That’s communism. That’s what it is. And that’s what they’re definitely driving for,” Horowitz said Wednesday on Fox News while promoting his new book.

“The Black Book of the American Left” describes how Horowitz inherited his radical-left politics from his parents, became a founder of the New Left, but then turned into one of its main antagonists after “three decades of second thoughts” led him to become a conservative.

Horowitz said it’s not difficult to figure out how the push to provide health insurance to all Americans could turn into a communist program.

He said the key players in the drive for Obamacare, the president and his closest advisers, Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod, were all born into households that preached communism, just as he had been.

Horowitz claimed the difference is that he grew out of it, while the others never did.

Concealed agenda?

The writer said he knows how they lie to conceal their destructive agenda.

Who, but a communist ideologue, he asked, “would try to centrally plan a health-care system for 300-million people after what happened in the Soviet Union?”

So, how could Obamacare become a single-payer system that Horowitz says will be essentially communist?

You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” said Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s former chief of staff and current mayor of Chicago.

A growing number of political analysts now speculate, that if Obamacare does cause the U.S. health insurance market to collapse, the administration will will use that crisis as an opportunity to push a single-payer system, as the simplest and best solution.

A president who adopted “Forward” as his re-election motto would be almost certain to push for his stated ultimate goal of a single-payer plan, rather than going “backward” to the previous, market-based system.

The first step

Ezekiel Emanuel, M.D., Rahm’s brother, has predicted the first step in that direction, saying the individual insurance market is already going away.

An Ocrt. 29 Wall Street Journal editorial claims that is no accident, and that “Americans are losing their (health insurance) coverage by political design.”

“The law (Obamacare) is systematically dismantling the individual insurance market, as its architects intended from the start,” claims the paper.

Going a step further, it stated, “Americans should understand that this month’s mass cancellation wave has been the president’s political goal since 2008. Liberals believe they must destroy the market in order to save it.”

The Journal believes the individual market works well for millions, but that is a threat to the administration because if too many people keep their polices, Obamacare could fail.

That, the paper claims, is why the Health and Human Services department has decided “everyone should have the same kind of insurance” which, in most cases, requires benefits that are “more comprehensive and thus more expensive than the status quo.”

In other words, the plans are more expensive and have features people do not want, which makes them a rather hard sell.

“The plans they want and are willing to pay for have been intentionally outlawed. Ponder that one,” advises the Journal.

Eliminating private insurance companies

Fox News’ Chris Stirewalt observed, “If Obamacare doesn’t deliver the millions of desirable customers the president has promised, widespread rate shocks even higher than those already reported could cause more insurers to dump customers and get out of the business altogether.”

But that is just what Obama wants, according to M. Catharine Evans and Ann Kane.

Putting the private insurance industry out of business was all part of the plan,” they wrote in the American Thinker.

They call private insurance companies “the main obstacle to instituting a single-payer health care system in the U.S. ”

“They must be removed from the equation if Obama is to realize his dream,” the authors conclude.

If the private insurance industry does go belly-up – or if too many people lose their coverage – it would, indeed, be a crisis.

It would also provide the president the opportunity to “transition” to the single-payer system he began advocating years ago.

And, just as he warned us, it may be “very difficult and very costly.”

Horowitz has another word for it.

Deceptions and Malfunctions

Meanwhile, Obamacare already appears to be in meltdown mode as deceptions and website malfunctions continue to make news headlines every day.

Grace-Marie Turner, president of the Galen Institute, a leading health-care policy research organization, discussed many significant developments on the health-care front, including the fact that the mainstream media are finally taking a skeptical look at the president’s Obamacare lies and distortions.

The following is her interview with WND: Click on the Attribution Source URL link below to view this and other videos within this article.

Follow Garth Kant on Twitter @DCgarth

Garth Kant is WND Washington news editor. Previously, he spent five years writing, copy-editing and producing at "CNN Headline News," three years writing, copy-editing and training writers at MSNBC, and also served several local TV newsrooms as producer, executive producer and assistant news director. He is the author of the McGraw-Hill textbook, "How to Write Television News."

Attribution Source:

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Expert Predicts Prison Time For Those Who’ve Helped Obama

by Daniel Noe

Researchers Doug Vogt and Paul Irey claim to know the identity of the lady who forged Obama’s birth certificate. Here is the link to Vogt’s interview on Mark Gillar’s radio program.

Douglas Vogt, a typesetter with over thirty years of experience. gives us a very detailed review of the telltale signs of forgery in Obama's birth certificate. 

Vogt also takes us through the United States' treason laws that he predicts will land many of those who've aided and abetted Obama in jail. 

Listen more at:

Read more at:
Researchers Doug Vogt and Paul Irey claim to know the identity of the lady who forged Obama’s birth certificate. Here is the link to Vogt’s interview on Mark Gillar’s radio program.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Obama White House 'worse than people know'

Ex-Secret Service agent warns: 'It's only a matter of time'

Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino, author of the soon to be released “Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away From It All,” says the actions of the Obama administration are worse than the American public can imagine.

He made his comments in an interview on the Alex Jones Show yesterday and they have gone viral, including a hit on the Drudge Report.

Bongino told Jones that: “It’s worse than people know… and I’m not trying to scare you either.”
His warning highlighted the possibility that the government could be compiling private information, through NSA spying and other methods, on American citizens and could later use that data to intimidate individual citizens.

“…It’s only a matter of time before someone slaps an email on your desk from fifteen years ago… and says ‘look what we got against you.’ Remember, when the key is held by someone else liberty means absolutely nothing. That personal and private self are being evaporated,” Bongino stated.

Bongino is not optimistic in his assessment of the current government, its policies, and how it is leading this country.

“We’re in a lot of trouble. The president sees government – and I think it’s because of his lack of experience and maybe community organizing in the past – as this shiny new toy,” Bongino said.

Why would a successful, 12-year Secret Service agent resign his elite position in the prime of his career to run for high public office and blow the whistle on what goes on at the highest levels in Washington, D.C., as Bongino did?

To be released Nov. 19 by WND Books, his “Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away from It All” is a look at life inside the presidential “bubble,” a haze of staffers, consultants, cronies, acolytes, bureaucrats and lobbyists that creates the “alternate reality” in which monumental policy decisions are made.

And it is the story of a dedicated Secret Service professional who, after years inside the “bubble,” walked away in favor of sounding a clarion call to the American people in defense of sane government and the U.S. Constitution.

Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity praised the book as “a rare peek inside the D.C. ‘Bubble’ which should be a wake-up call to every American.”

And former congressman and U.S. Army Col. Allen West said, “Dan Bongino walked away because he is an American patriot and the embodiment of the highest standards of honor, integrity, and character … exactly what we need inside the bubble.”

Take the journey with Bongino from the tough streets of New York City where he was raised, and later patrolled as a member of the NYPD, to the White House as a member of the elite Presidential Protective Division, through his ultimate decision to resign from the Secret Service in the prime of his career to run for the United States Senate against the feared Maryland Democratic machine.

Follow his experiences inside the Washington D.C. matrix and discover why a government filled with some incredibly dedicated people nevertheless continues to make such frequent and tragic mistakes. Indeed, Bongino shows why the “Fast & Furious” scandal, the terror bombings in Boston and the terrorist attacks in Benghazi are merely harbingers of what’s to come to America without a bold change in direction.

Starting his career in law enforcement with the NYPD in 1995, Bongino joined the ranks of the Secret Service in 1999 as a special agent where he was assigned to investigate financial crimes. In 2006, he entered into duty with the elite Presidential Protective Division in the administration of President George W. Bush and remained on protective duty during the change in administration to that of President Barack Obama. He resigned from the Secret Service in 2011 to run for a U.S. Senate seat in Maryland.

High Court Takes up Challenge to Prayer at Government Meetings

 Written by 

The U.S. Supreme Court will take up a case November 6 challenging prayer uttered during local government meetings, and conservative Christian leaders say the High Court's ruling could have a far-reaching impact on religious expression in America.

In 2007 the atheist group Americans United for the Separation of Church and State sued the community of Greece, New York, on behalf of two residents over the city's tradition of offering mostly Christian prayers at the beginning of its regular government meetings. From 1999 to 2007, reported The New American, “every monthly government meeting in Greece was opened with a Christian invocation. But in 2007 two city residents, Susan Galloway and Linda Stephens, complained about the trend, prompting the town to invite a Wiccan priest, a Baha’i representative, and a Jewish man to offer the prayers. Nonetheless, at eight of the 12 meetings Christians offered the invocation.”

In the original suit a judge ruled in favor of the city, finding that it had not intentionally excluded non-Christian faiths in prayers at government meetings. But in May 2012, a three-judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit overturned the lower court ruling, finding that the process city officials used for selecting clergy for the monthly prayers effectively ensured that the prayers would be Christian. The court ruled that although a majority of the congregations in Greece were Christian, the city could have found a way to include non-Christian invocations.

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the conservative legal advocacy group which represented the community of Greece in the case, appealed the ruling and in May of this year the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the case. On November 6 the justices are scheduled to hear oral arguments in the case, the first time the High Court has considered a government prayer case since 1983, when it ruled that an opening prayer at government meetings is part of the nation's fabric and not a violation of the First Amendment.
“Community members should have the freedom to pray without being censored,” commented ADF Senior Counsel David Cortman. “Opening meetings with prayer is a cherished freedom that the authors of the Constitution practiced. Americans shouldn’t be forced to forfeit this freedom just to appease someone who claims to be offended by hearing a prayer.”

The ADF noted that in August the Court received 26 friend-of-the-court briefs in support of prayer before public government meetings, including, the group said, “support from the U.S. Department of Justice, attorneys general representing half the states in the union, numerous senators and members of Congress, and a wide array of constitutional scholars, theologians, counties and municipalities, religious liberty groups, and others.”

Said ADF Senior Counsel Brett Harvey: “The Supreme Court has already ruled that prayer is an unbroken American tradition that is perfectly constitutional. Nothing has changed, so we expect the court will wish to uphold this truth.”

Predictably, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State argued that such prayers are inappropriate and should be banned by the High Court. “Americans United believes that citizens should have the right to participate in local government without being pressured to take part in sectarian prayers,” said the atheist group's legal director Ayesha Kahn. “We hope the high court agrees.”

Among the briefs filed in favor of prayer was one written by Ken Klukowski of the Family Research Council on behalf of 85 members of Congress who expressed their support for the city of Greece, New York. Klukowski predicted that if the High Court rules in favor of Greece, the decision could represent one of the most significant victories for religious liberty over the past fifty years. “It is our hope that the town of Greece will prevail before the U.S. Supreme Court in this case, and a victory for them will be a victory for all Americans of faith and for the Constitution itself,” said Klukowski. “Given that the Court has looked approvingly on legislative prayer dating to the Founding, it is likely that the Court will not only affirm prayer, but significantly strengthen the religious liberty rights of Americans in public life and the public square.”
Another conservative legal advocacy group, Liberty Counsel, filed an amicus brief in support of the city of Greece, asking the Court to overturn its so-called “Lemon” test and adopt a new evaluation which would provide that if a religious observance is in line with historical tradition and does not force participation, then it would be considered a permissible acknowledgment of religion.

“The ‘Lemon’ test, which the Supreme Court invented, has caused confusion for decades and is not consistent with the First Amendment,” said Liberty Counsel Chairman Matt Staver. “It is past time to abandon that judge-made rule and return to the actual words and intent of the First Amendment.”
Staver noted that the High Court's continuing reliance on the “Lemon” test “has meant that the Establishment Clause, designed to prevent federal establishments of religion, has morphed into a weapon aimed at eliminating all vestiges of public religious expression. Regarding the matter of prayer before public deliberative bodies, this is an easy question when the words and intent of the First Amendment control. The same Congress that approved the First Amendment voted to pay a chaplain to open every session with prayer. Under a real First Amendment analysis, this is a no-brainer.”

In a November 5 Washington Post op-ed, Alliance Defending Freedom's Alan Sears and Joseph Infranco recalled that religious coercion, which the plaintiffs in the Greece case charge, “was a great concern to the Founders, and rightly so. But their view of coercion was true coercion, in which people were ordered to act (or refrain from acting) in violation of their conscience.”

Sears and Infranco noted that for the Founding Fathers, “coercion looked more like the current health care dispute in which the government is compelling family businesses to provide insurance coverage for abortion-inducing drugs regardless of those families’ deeply held religious beliefs. That’s coercion. As to how the Founders viewed legislative prayer, there can be no question; they considered it a desired accommodation of religion, and not coercion.”

Unlike the Founders, the ADF pair noted, the plaintiffs in the present case “claim personal offense over hearing anyone pray. In so claiming, they have trivialized 'coercion' to a shadow of its meaning, rendering it instead as their personal distaste over hearing others pray. Under such a standard, virtually no religious accommodation survives, and the eggshell-thin sensitivities of the most easily offended prevail. And this, of course, is their philosophical objective.”

By contrast, they concluded, the Founding Fathers “looked for a diversity of opinions and beliefs and had the wisdom to know that accommodating religion and morality were, in Washington’s words, 'indispensable supports' to democracy. In belief and practice, they rejected paltry personal complaints like 'offense' and instead respected their differences. We may have a larger circle of beliefs today, but we would do well to follow their example.”
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Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino, author of the soon to be released “Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away From It All,” says the actions of the Obama administration are worse than the American public can imagine.
He made his comments in an interview on the Alex Jones Show yesterday and they have gone viral, including a hit on the Drudge Report.
Bongino told Jones that: “It’s worse than people know… and I’m not trying to scare you either.”
His warning highlighted the possibility that the government could be compiling private information, through NSA spying and other methods, on American citizens and could later use that data to intimidate individual citizens.
“…It’s only a matter of time before someone slaps an email on your desk from fifteen years ago… and says ‘look what we got against you.’ Remember, when the key is held by someone else liberty means absolutely nothing. That personal and private self are being evaporated,” Bongino stated.
Bongino is not optimistic in his assessment of the current government, its policies, and how it is leading this country.
“We’re in a lot of trouble. The president sees government – and I think it’s because of his lack of experience and maybe community organizing in the past – as this shiny new toy,” Bongino said.
Why would a successful, 12-year Secret Service agent resign his elite position in the prime of his career to run for high public office and blow the whistle on what goes on at the highest levels in Washington, D.C., as Bongino did?
To be released Nov. 19 by WND Books, his “Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away from It All” is a look at life inside the presidential “bubble,” a haze of staffers, consultants, cronies, acolytes, bureaucrats and lobbyists that creates the “alternate reality” in which monumental policy decisions are made.
And it is the story of a dedicated Secret Service professional who, after years inside the “bubble,” walked away in favor of sounding a clarion call to the American people in defense of sane government and the U.S. Constitution.
Order your copy from the WND Superstore.
Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity praised the book as “a rare peek inside the D.C. ‘Bubble’ which should be a wake-up call to every American.”
And former congressman and U.S. Army Col. Allen West said, “Dan Bongino walked away because he is an American patriot and the embodiment of the highest standards of honor, integrity, and character … exactly what we need inside the bubble.”
Take the journey with Bongino from the tough streets of New York City where he was raised, and later patrolled as a member of the NYPD, to the White House as a member of the elite Presidential Protective Division, through his ultimate decision to resign from the Secret Service in the prime of his career to run for the United States Senate against the feared Maryland Democratic machine.

Follow his experiences inside the Washington D.C. matrix and discover why a government filled with some incredibly dedicated people nevertheless continues to make such frequent and tragic mistakes. Indeed, Bongino shows why the “Fast & Furious” scandal, the terror bombings in Boston and the terrorist attacks in Benghazi are merely harbingers of what’s to come to America without a bold change in direction.
Starting his career in law enforcement with the NYPD in 1995, Bongino joined the ranks of the Secret Service in 1999 as a special agent where he was assigned to investigate financial crimes. In 2006, he entered into duty with the elite Presidential Protective Division in the administration of President George W. Bush and remained on protective duty during the change in administration to that of President Barack Obama. He resigned from the Secret Service in 2011 to run for a U.S. Senate seat in Maryland.


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  • Text bigger
Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino, author of the soon to be released “Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away From It All,” says the actions of the Obama administration are worse than the American public can imagine.
He made his comments in an interview on the Alex Jones Show yesterday and they have gone viral, including a hit on the Drudge Report.
Bongino told Jones that: “It’s worse than people know… and I’m not trying to scare you either.”
His warning highlighted the possibility that the government could be compiling private information, through NSA spying and other methods, on American citizens and could later use that data to intimidate individual citizens.
“…It’s only a matter of time before someone slaps an email on your desk from fifteen years ago… and says ‘look what we got against you.’ Remember, when the key is held by someone else liberty means absolutely nothing. That personal and private self are being evaporated,” Bongino stated.
Bongino is not optimistic in his assessment of the current government, its policies, and how it is leading this country.
“We’re in a lot of trouble. The president sees government – and I think it’s because of his lack of experience and maybe community organizing in the past – as this shiny new toy,” Bongino said.
Why would a successful, 12-year Secret Service agent resign his elite position in the prime of his career to run for high public office and blow the whistle on what goes on at the highest levels in Washington, D.C., as Bongino did?
To be released Nov. 19 by WND Books, his “Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away from It All” is a look at life inside the presidential “bubble,” a haze of staffers, consultants, cronies, acolytes, bureaucrats and lobbyists that creates the “alternate reality” in which monumental policy decisions are made.
And it is the story of a dedicated Secret Service professional who, after years inside the “bubble,” walked away in favor of sounding a clarion call to the American people in defense of sane government and the U.S. Constitution.
Order your copy from the WND Superstore.
Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity praised the book as “a rare peek inside the D.C. ‘Bubble’ which should be a wake-up call to every American.”
And former congressman and U.S. Army Col. Allen West said, “Dan Bongino walked away because he is an American patriot and the embodiment of the highest standards of honor, integrity, and character … exactly what we need inside the bubble.”
Take the journey with Bongino from the tough streets of New York City where he was raised, and later patrolled as a member of the NYPD, to the White House as a member of the elite Presidential Protective Division, through his ultimate decision to resign from the Secret Service in the prime of his career to run for the United States Senate against the feared Maryland Democratic machine.

Follow his experiences inside the Washington D.C. matrix and discover why a government filled with some incredibly dedicated people nevertheless continues to make such frequent and tragic mistakes. Indeed, Bongino shows why the “Fast & Furious” scandal, the terror bombings in Boston and the terrorist attacks in Benghazi are merely harbingers of what’s to come to America without a bold change in direction.
Starting his career in law enforcement with the NYPD in 1995, Bongino joined the ranks of the Secret Service in 1999 as a special agent where he was assigned to investigate financial crimes. In 2006, he entered into duty with the elite Presidential Protective Division in the administration of President George W. Bush and remained on protective duty during the change in administration to that of President Barack Obama. He resigned from the Secret Service in 2011 to run for a U.S. Senate seat in Maryland.


  • Text smaller
  • Text bigger
Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino, author of the soon to be released “Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away From It All,” says the actions of the Obama administration are worse than the American public can imagine.
He made his comments in an interview on the Alex Jones Show yesterday and they have gone viral, including a hit on the Drudge Report.
Bongino told Jones that: “It’s worse than people know… and I’m not trying to scare you either.”
His warning highlighted the possibility that the government could be compiling private information, through NSA spying and other methods, on American citizens and could later use that data to intimidate individual citizens.
“…It’s only a matter of time before someone slaps an email on your desk from fifteen years ago… and says ‘look what we got against you.’ Remember, when the key is held by someone else liberty means absolutely nothing. That personal and private self are being evaporated,” Bongino stated.
Bongino is not optimistic in his assessment of the current government, its policies, and how it is leading this country.
“We’re in a lot of trouble. The president sees government – and I think it’s because of his lack of experience and maybe community organizing in the past – as this shiny new toy,” Bongino said.
Why would a successful, 12-year Secret Service agent resign his elite position in the prime of his career to run for high public office and blow the whistle on what goes on at the highest levels in Washington, D.C., as Bongino did?
To be released Nov. 19 by WND Books, his “Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away from It All” is a look at life inside the presidential “bubble,” a haze of staffers, consultants, cronies, acolytes, bureaucrats and lobbyists that creates the “alternate reality” in which monumental policy decisions are made.
And it is the story of a dedicated Secret Service professional who, after years inside the “bubble,” walked away in favor of sounding a clarion call to the American people in defense of sane government and the U.S. Constitution.
Order your copy from the WND Superstore.
Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity praised the book as “a rare peek inside the D.C. ‘Bubble’ which should be a wake-up call to every American.”
And former congressman and U.S. Army Col. Allen West said, “Dan Bongino walked away because he is an American patriot and the embodiment of the highest standards of honor, integrity, and character … exactly what we need inside the bubble.”
Take the journey with Bongino from the tough streets of New York City where he was raised, and later patrolled as a member of the NYPD, to the White House as a member of the elite Presidential Protective Division, through his ultimate decision to resign from the Secret Service in the prime of his career to run for the United States Senate against the feared Maryland Democratic machine.

Follow his experiences inside the Washington D.C. matrix and discover why a government filled with some incredibly dedicated people nevertheless continues to make such frequent and tragic mistakes. Indeed, Bongino shows why the “Fast & Furious” scandal, the terror bombings in Boston and the terrorist attacks in Benghazi are merely harbingers of what’s to come to America without a bold change in direction.
Starting his career in law enforcement with the NYPD in 1995, Bongino joined the ranks of the Secret Service in 1999 as a special agent where he was assigned to investigate financial crimes. In 2006, he entered into duty with the elite Presidential Protective Division in the administration of President George W. Bush and remained on protective duty during the change in administration to that of President Barack Obama. He resigned from the Secret Service in 2011 to run for a U.S. Senate seat in Maryland.