Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mr. President, Put Less Pressure on Israel, More on Her Enemies

Reince  Priebus

by Prince Priebus

Mr. President, Put Less Pressure on Israel, More on Her Enemies

In recent months, Israel's struggles to negotiate with a Palestinian Authority have been marred by Palestinian decisions. Chief among these challenges is the decision by the Palestinian Authority to bring Hamas representatives into their leadership. If that did not present enough challenges, last week President Obama increased the pressure on Israel by unleashing new parameters for Israel-Palestinian negotiations based on pre-1967 borders. All supporters of Israel have to be alarmed and concerned at this new explicit position the U.S. has taken.

Following Obama’s expression that negotiations be based on pre-1967 borders, supporters of Israel from across the political spectrum have condemned the idea. Despite the caveats President Obama portends to place on these factors, this is no place to start a negotiation.

President Obama insists that the parameters of pre-1967 borders were always a starting point for prior U.S. administrations pointing to the Clinton administration. This is nonsense. Obama’s declaration last week was the first explicit statement by a U.S. President that pre-1967 borders would be the parameters of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Perhaps Prime Minister Netanyahu’s terse phone call with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton prior to Thursday’s speech should have tipped the President off that this indeed would be viewed as new ground.

Further, Israel would be foolish to accept these conditions and rightly rebuked Obama for his position. Israel would be foolish to give up the Golan Heights along the Syrian border, foolish to pull its military presence out of the West Bank, and foolish to walk into a negotiation under the unnecessary pressures and concessions President Obama chose to place on the only true democracy in the Middle East. As the Prime Minister aptly put it, the pre-1967 Israeli borders, “were not the boundaries of peace; they were the boundaries of repeated wars, because the attack on Israel was so attractive from them.” Never again, will Israel return to these indefensible borders regardless of the unnecessary pressure President Obama chooses to place on Israel.

In early 2008, President Obama called for the U.S. to preside over a Muslim Summit including leaders of Syria and Iran, not understanding that elevating their criticism of Israel with a United States moderator would have been a dangerous development for Israel. Recently, Obama’s Secretary of State Clinton referred to Syrian President Assad as a “reformer”. In April 2011, Assad’s regime fired live ammunition on protesters. And Assad has repeatedly supported Hamas and Hezbollah in fomenting violence towards Israel. With reformers like Assad, who needs reform?


By Joe Farah
© 2011

Bible prophecy may have a bad name in the light of Harold Camping's misguided date-setting, but the biggest sign of the end may have been overlooked in all the rapture hysteria of last weekend.

Once again, we've seen the U.S. hit with a series of deadly superstorms following Barack Obama's pledge to return Israel to pre-1967 borders.

Just days after Obama insisted Israel must give up lands it won through military victory with its enemies, some 200 people were killed by a tornado in Joplin, Mo.

There's a pattern here.

We saw it in Katrina, when George Bush forced Israel's withdrawal from Gaza. In fact, as everyone from Israeli rabbis to U.S. senators have noted, it seems to happen every single time the U.S. pressures Israel to divide the land.

The phenomenon was best documented by Bill Koenig, author of "Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel."

Koenig points out that nine of the 10 costliest insurance events in U.S. history followed dramatic calls by U.S. officials for Israel to make land concessions in bids for peace with its neighbors. He points out with startling detail how six of the seven costliest hurricanes in U.S. history followed such events. He points out how three of the four largest tornado outbreaks in U.S. history followed such developments.

Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, even terrorist attacks have hit America often within 24 hours of calls by U.S. officials for Israel to withdraw from Jewish land.

What does this have to do with prophecy?

It goes right back to Genesis and God's pledge to bless those who bless the children of Israel and curse those who curse them.

That is a prophecy that has seen every empire of the world come and go – yet Israel remains. It may be chastened by God. It may be dispersed. It may be divided according to His will. But God has punished every nation that has come against Israel. Each one has been judged.

You can choose to believe it or not. It won't make any difference.

But he that touches the apple of God's eye will pay a price: "For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye." – Zechariah 2:8

If you want to understand prophecy, don't listen to Harold Camping – keep your eye on Israel and study your Bible.

In God's economy, there is Israel and then there are the other nations.

It was through Israel He chose to reveal Himself to the world – eventually through the birth, life, death and resurrection of His own Son.

And His Son is coming back to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It's no surprise where He will return and where He will reign – in Jerusalem.

Trying to understand God and His Son Yeshua apart from Israel is a tall order – because that's how He revealed Himself to us.

His ways are not our ways, and our ways are not His ways.

We can only understand Him through His revelation.

I don't know exactly what date He will be coming back.

I'm not sure exactly when He is going to call out His children.

But I do know it's near.

I know it's near because Israel has been rebirthed as a nation – a prerequisite that simply wasn't in place until 63 years ago.

The Bible predicts all kind of turbulence and chaos surrounding Israel in the latter days. It will nearly be destroyed. But Israel's long-awaited Messiah will save it. He will destroy Israel's enemies. He will reign for 1,000 years.

As Zechariah 12:8-10 reveals: "In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.

"And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

"And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn."

And one shall ask Him, "What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends" (Zechariah 13:6).

Read more: Maybe doomsday is near

Friday, May 27, 2011

Trump denies reading book he signed agreement to get


Issues statement distancing himself from suspicion about Obama birth-certificate fraud

© 2011 WND

Donald Trump

WASHINGTON – Donald Trump today issued a written statement to the leftist Mother Jones magazine and other news outlets denying he told Jerome Corsi, author of a new bestselling book about Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility, he suspected the birth certificate released by the White House is fraudulent.

Trump also said he had not read Corsi's book, "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President," despite having his staff sign a non-disclosure agreement to get the book three weeks before it was released May 17.

Trump does not deny calling Corsi this week but claims in his statement it was only to congratulate him on the sales of his book.

However, Corsi says Trump repeated a conversation he had weeks ago in a conference call with WND Editor and Chief Executive Officer Joseph Farah in which the building magnate said he is concerned about the validity of the document released April 27 by the Obama White House. Farah confirms Trump questioned the authenticity of the birth certificate and said others around him do as well.

"I am proud of the fact that I was able to get President Obama to release his birth certificate," said Trump's statement to Mother Jones. "President Clinton couldn't do it, Senator McCain couldn't do it – no one else could do it! Frankly, many people were surprised that it took so long for this to happen. Is his birth certificate legitimate? I hope it is for the good of the country, but that's for experts to determine – not me. I have not read the book written by Jerry Corsi nor did we discuss whether or not the birth certificate was computer generated or in any way fabricated. I merely asked him how his book was doing and wished him good luck."

Get the inside details on what could be the most serious constitutional crisis in modern history, in "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to be President."

Farah wonders aloud why Trump would ask for a copy of a book he had no intention of reading – even going to the extent of having his organization sign a non-disclosure agreement to get an early electronic copy.

"If he wasn't going to read the book, why go to the trouble of requesting a PDF copy and having your representative sign an NDA for it?" asked Farah. "Was his intent all along to violate the NDA and give it to someone else? Was his intent other than what he represented to us – to go to school on the eligibility issue? Trump needs to explain himself to someone other than Mother Jones. That doesn't sound like good faith to me."

Farah and Corsi say Trump talked about a golf course designer he works with – someone Trump described as a "genius" on the computer – who shared with him his expert opinion that the birth certificate was a fraud. Trump said he was considering renewing his calls for Obama to establish his eligibility, but wanted more to go on.

"He kept urging us to hold press conferences – assuring us he'd be right behind us, holding our coats, so to speak" said Farah. "When I pushed him to join us, he quickly backed off – saying he couldn't jump back into the issue right now. I have strongly begun to suspect that Trump had other motives than seeking the truth about Obama. I think he was pumping Corsi for information for some other purpose than being on the right side of history."

Farah says these words from Trump stand out in Corsi's notes of their last conversation: "Call me before you do anything. I want to know before you do it."

"Trump was hungry for information," said Farah. "It's just a question of why. What was he doing with it?"

Listen to Corsi's account of the conversation with Trump:

During much of April Trump made regular appearances on talk shows and news broadcasts, and almost every time either he or the interviewer raised questions about Obama's eligibility. Meanwhile, he regularly was in conversation with Corsi and others who helped Corsi investigate the Obama eligibility dispute.

As a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll demonstrated, by raising questions about Obama's eligibility repeatedly, going as far as suggesting Obama's presidency might be illegal, Trump rose in popularity among GOP voters.

In that poll, 19 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said they likely would support Trump for the 2012 GOP nomination.

His support rose from only 10 percent just a month earlier.

Read more: Trump denies reading book he signed agreement to get

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Uncommon Knowledge Interview with Thomas Sowell (Part 2)


Part 2 Interview with Thomas Sowell

[M]uch, IF NOT MOST, of the economic advancement of blacks occurred in the twenty years PRIOR to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Uncommon Knowledge Interview with Thomas Sowell (Part One)


Part 1 interview with Thomas Sowell

Peter Robinson: Cui bono, who benefits from [rent control]? Thomas Sowell: Politicians most of all…. Because they get the reputation of being for the poor and the downtrodden and …. They are preventing the evil landlords from raising the rent… so they gain by that. Both the landlords and the tenants lose.

Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Immigration Law

Katie Pavlich

by Katie Pavlich

In a 5-3 decision, the Supreme Court has upheld the Legal Arizona Worker's Act, passed in 2007, that allows the state of Arizona to punish employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants. The "controversial" law was opposed by the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

The Supreme Court has sustained Arizona's law that penalizes businesses for hiring workers who are in the United States illegally, rejecting arguments that states have no role in immigration matters.

By a 5-3 vote, the court said Wednesday that federal immigration law gives states the authority to impose sanctions on employers who hire unauthorized workers.

This ruling sets positive precedent for SB 1070 as the Supreme Court rejected arguments in the ruling that states have no role in immigration policy. A win for Arizona and numerous other states like Georgia, Utah, North Carolina, South Carolina, Nebraska and more who have taken the illegal immigration issue into their own hands due to the failure of the federal government to enforce immigration laws.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You're forged! Trump declares Obama's birth certificate fake


'I always said I wanted to know if it was real'

© 2011 WND

Donald Trump

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump, who staged a weeks-long public campaign questioning Barack Obama's eligibility to be president during March and April – and rose to the top of the pool of potential candidates for the 2012 GOP nomination then as a result – says he believes the "birth certificate" released by the White House is forged.

His comments came yesterday in a telephone call to WND senior reporter Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., who is appearing on wall-to-wall radio programs – between 10 and 20 per day – to respond to questions about his latest best-seller, "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to be President."

Trump asked Corsi about the book, its evidence and what is happening next in the effort to document whether Obama is, in fact, constitutionally qualified for the presidency under Article 2, Section 1's "natural born citizen" requirement.

Get the inside details on what could be the most serious constitutional crisis in modern history, in "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligibility to be President."

Trump said his period of almost-complete silence on the issue following the release by the White House on April 27 of the image of a "Certificate of Live Birth" from the state of Hawaii was not because he was satisfied with the document.

"I always said I wanted to know if it was real," Trump told Corsi.

The image has been challenged by a number of experts in the field, and the original, of course, has yet to be seen, much less analyzed.

The state of Hawaii said it inserted "safety paper" into a copy machine and copied onto the new paper the original image from its state records. However, state officials were unwilling to confirm to WND after the image was released that what was issued by the White House was, in fact, an accurate representation of their original records.

During their conversation, Trump told Corsi his own computer expert told him at the release that it was a computer-generated document.

That opinion has been repeated many times, and WND has reported on a few of the objections that have been raised by various experts:

  • Ivan Zatkovich, of Tampa-based eComp Consultants, for example, analyzed the various layers in the PDF file released by the White House, and concluded: "The content clearly indicates that the document was knowingly and explicitly edited and modified before it was placed on the web."

    The image that was released, described by the White House as "proof positive" of Obama's Hawaiian birth:

    Image released by the White House April 27, 2011

    Zatkovich, with 28 years experience in computer science and document management and for more than 10 years an expert witness providing testimony in federal court in both criminal and civil litigation, said the multiple PDF document layers are unusual.

    "When a paper document is scanned on a scanner and saved as a PDF file it normally contains only a single layer of graphical information. The PDF that appears on the White House website however, contains multiple layers of graphic information. Multiple layers usually appear in a document like this when it is being edited or modified in some fashion.

    "It is possible to take a single layer PDF and inadvertently create multiple layers, without changing the image in any fashion. But that does not appear to be the case here. The multiple layers in the PDF document are a result of changes made to the image," his report said.

    Among the various items that were separated into different layers include the main text, the mother's occupation, the dates accepted, the stamp and signature of the state registrar and the time stamp of the state registrar:

    The document is broken into layers.

    The background layer – with all of the additional layers removed – essentially has the text removed except some random portions of signatures and a white border where the text appears on other layers:

    The background, without layers of information added on top

    Also, the main layer of text reveals most of the wording on the document, with strange exceptions such as the first part of Stanley Ann Dunham Obama's signature. The main text layer has only "unham Obama." Likewise, "Kenya" is spelled "enya" and "Barack" is spelled Ba ack."

    The layer with the main parts of the text

  • Secondly, Karl Denninger, the former of CEO of MCSNet, a Chicago networking and Internet company, said the presence of "kerning" in the text confirms manipulation.

    Denninger posted a series of reports online, including on YouTube, where he explains his concerns, which focus around the lettering as it appears on the document that reportedly is a photocopy on green "safety paper" of the original record in Hawaii

    He explains that the type on the birth document show evidence of "kerning," the squeezing of letters into a line so that they intrude into adjacent letter spaces. Kerning is routine since the advent of word processors and computers, but impossible with a typewriter.

    Denninger explains that in the image above, of the name of the hospital, the "a" and the "p" share vertical space on the line.

    "This process, of course, requires that you know what the next letter is. With a computer this is pretty easy, since the computer can retroactively go back and adjust, and it also can typeset the current letter with the knowledge of what the previous one was," he reported. "A typewriter, on the other hand, is a mechanical device. It does not know what the next letter is that you will type, nor does it know what the last letter was that you typed. It thus has a typeface that always leaves physical space between the boundary of each character."

    His full explanation is on video:

    "To refute this point you must come up with a typewriter that contains a flux capacitor and thus is capable of accurately predicting the future," he said. "This document has been assembled by somebody on a computer."

    He contends "there's only one way we're going to get the truth – a forensic document examiner is going to have to go look at the certificate and authenticate it. The real one – not a printout."

  • Then there was a YouTube poster, who identified himself as orangegold1, and posted a video that claimed the White House either was ignorant in posting the document, or was submarined by someone inside the walls who wanted people to suspect the document.

Perhaps most significant unresolved issues is that two weeks before Obama finally released his "long-form birth certificate," Hawaii's former Health Department chief Chiyome Fukino – the one official who claimed to have examined Obama's original birth document – was interviewed by NBC News' national investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff, who reported that Fukino told him she had seen the original birth certificate and that it was "half typed and half handwritten."

However, the document released by the White House was entirely typed. Only the signatures and two dates at the very bottom were "handwritten." What Fukino described is apparently a different document from what Obama released to the public.

Among other questions that remain about the document:

  • The objectivity of "experts" cited by the mainstream media to verify the birth certificate is suspect, including that of Fox News Channel's Jean-Claude Tremblay, who assured America they "should not be suspicious" of the document, but who, WND discovered, had heralded Obama's election victory in an online post.

  • Obama's posted birth certificate contains the same anomalies as a well-known forgery that claimed he was born in Kenya, suggesting the anomalous markings came from the same source. "How could Obama's 'real' birth certificate share these unique characteristics with an obvious forgery?" asks Farah. "For the life of me, I can't figure out an answer other than they were created by the same person or persons."

  • The birth certificate's reported delivering physician, Dr. David Sinclair, differs from previously published reports and even the myth-busting's original entry, which named Dr. Rodney T. West as the doctor of record.

  • Obama's purported birth certificate contains over a dozen differences in form from the verified, Hawaii copy of the birth certificate issued to the Nordyke twins, born the next day at the same reported hospital.

  • The local registrar listed in the Nordyke twins' birth certificate is notably different than the local registrar on the Obama birth certificate.

In addition, the website notes several irregularities with the Obama birth certificate that do not appear on the Nordyke twin's birth certificates:

  • In Box 3, "This Birth," there are two "Xs" above "Twin" and "Triplet" – why are these "Xs" here and what do they signify?

  • What is the meaning of the smudges in the Obama birth certificate in the box containing the name of the attending physician?

  • What is the significance of the numbers, seen vertically, on the right side of the Obama birth certificate?

There are those Obama critics, too, who says that the document released by the White House, if authentic, actually proves Obama's ineligibility. They cite the indication that Barack Obama Sr. was listed as the father, but he never was a U.S. citizen. They contend those who wrote the requirement for presidents to be a "natural born citizen" disqualified dual citizens at birth, such as Obama.

Obama Jr. himself even seemed to hold that position, suggesting in a resolution he co-sponsored to address Sen. John McCain's status as a "natural born Citizen" that the status requires "American citizen" parents.

Listen to Corsi's account of the conversation with Trump:

"I told him he needs to publicly say that the document in the vault, the original long-form birth certificate, needs to be exposed and examined independently," Corsi said. "The doctor's records, the Kapiolani records of Ann Dunham to corroborate she was in that hospital."

"I told him if you don't press these issues you can't be surprised if there are those who think you're working with Barack Obama [on the dispute]," Corsi added.

During much of April Trump made regular appearances on talk shows and news broadcasts, and almost every time either he or the interviewer raised questions about Obama's eligibility. At the same time, he regularly was in conversation with Corsi and others who helped Corsi investigate the Obama eligibility dispute about the evidence that exists.

As a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll demonstrated, by raising questions about Obama's eligibility repeatedly, going as far as suggesting Obama's tenure might be illegal, Trump rose in popularity among GOP voters.

In that poll, 19 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said they'd likely support Trump for the 2012 GOP nomination.

His support rose from only 10 percent just a month earlier.

WND has reported on Trump's statements regarding Obama's eligibility:

"There's something fishy about the whole thing," Trump has said of Obama's background, birth story and constant refusal to release a wide range of documents that would reveal information about his heritage and upbringing.

Trump has also been skeptical regarding the oft-cited 1961 Honolulu newspaper notices.

"I see so much fraud in this world, an ad like that could have been staged. I see so many fraudulent things going on that would be like the least of it," Trump said.

He suggested it was incredible that no doctor, nurse or other person has come forward to recall the birth of such a famous person.

Trump told Fox News host Bill O'Reilly the significance of the dispute isn't clear to many people.

"If you are going to be the president of the United States you have to be born in the United States – and there is doubt [about Obama]," he said. "If he wasn't born in this country, it's one of the great scams."

Trump also was on MSNBC, where he was asked whether it was a serious issue:

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"There is certainly a chance that he was not born in this country. Now if he was not born in this country, that means he can't be president. It's very simple," Trump explained.

Read more: You're forged! Trump declares Obama's birth certificate fake

Monday, May 23, 2011

Corsi: White House commits fraud, challenges Bill O'Reilly


'I don't care if Fox never has me to their Christmas party'

© 2011 WND

Jerome Corsi's appearance on the Bob Grant Show on WABC Radio in New York City, Sunday, May 22, 2011:

Read more: Corsi: White House commits fraud, challenges Bill O'Reilly

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Americans to Israel: Don't listen to Obama


Millions behind ad guaranteeing Jewish nation, 'We stand with you'

By Bob Unruh

© 2011 WND

Barack Obam

Leaders across America whose organizations represent literally millions of people have told the nation of Israel, much like the wizard told Dorothy in Oz, "don't listen to that man behind the curtain," or in the current case, don't listen to the man in the White House.

The message came just hours after Barack Obama announced to the world Israel needs to return to its pre-1967 borders to appease Palestinians dedicated to the annihilation of the Jewish nation.

Obama made the statement in an address in advance of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's planned visit to the White House today. Netanyahu preceded the visit with a statement rejecting Obama's call for a Palestinian state based on Israel's pre-1967 borders, calling the lines "indefensible."

The message to Israel was in a full-page newspaper ad published today in Jerusalem by a coalition of American organizations coming together under the slogan "Israel, You're Not Alone.

"WE STAND WITH YOU," the Jerusalem Post ad states. "Mr. Prime Minister, you are not alone! Millions of Americans stand with you and Israel and we welcome you on your upcoming visit to the United States of America."

Newspaper ad representing millions of Americans

The ad is signed by dozens of leaders of major Christian and other organizations including Tim Wildman of American Family Association, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, now of Family Talk, Gen. William G. "Jerry" Boykin of Kingdom Warriors, Bill McCartney of Promise Keepers, Judge Roy Moore of the Foundation for Moral Law, Jimmy Draper of LifeWay Christian Resources, Rev. Rob Schenck of National Clergy Council, Dick and Rich Bott of Bott Radio Network and Jane Hansen-Hoyt of Aglow International.

Their names are here:

Newspaper ad representing millions of Americans

The message of the ad, which appeared one day earlier in the Wall Street Journal, isn't complicated:

"We, the undersigned, encourage President Obama, the State Department, the Congress, and the whole of the United States of America to stand unwaveringly with Israel, without further sacrificing Israel's sovereignty, safety, or security."

It asserts that the United Nations "Peace Plan" actually is "not a plan for peace at all, but would ethnically cleanse 400,000 Jews from their homes and lands. No foreign country or U.N. resolution has the right to decide a nation's borders."

"We must stand with Israel at this critical time," said Mike Gottfriend of Team Focus, one of the originators of the idea. "We are thrilled that more than 50 Christian and Jewish leaders, who represent millions of Americans, have joined the ad and the effort."

Gottfriend is a former ESPN sports commentator and head coach in Cinncinnati, Kansas and Pittsburgh.

A news conference on the issue is set Monday at 1 p.m. Eastern time at the National Press Club with many of the leaders.

Gottfriend said members of Congress need to oppose Obama's remarks "immediately."

His plan, Gottfried said, would not only divide Jerusalem and the nation of Israel but make America's strongest ally in the region nearly indefensible.

"Who are we to change Israel's borders," asked Janet Porter, president of Faith2Action. "We must stand with Israel like never before."

On the website is information about the effort, including a video:

Porter told WND the ad is a response to Obama's "assault" on Israel.

Based on biblical references to the Jewish nation as the "apple of God's eye," she said, "I believe that to follow what the president would want puts both countries in peril."

She said the Palestinians from whom Obama is trying to obtain favor "do not recognize the right [of Israel] to exist. They despise her."

Even on a secular plane, without references to the biblical prophecies regarding Israel, she said, "No foreign country or U.N. resolution has a right to decide a nation's borders. In America, if we can tell Israel its borders, what keeps Dearborn from a U.N. resolution announcing 'Dearbornistan. It's absurd."

The newspaper ad said:

We stand with your right to secure Israel's borders without giving away additional land to your openly avowed enemies who do not recognize your right to exist. We recognize that former "land for peace" agreements such as the Gaza withdrawal that ravaged thousands of families from their homes, only served to increase terrorist attacks from even closer range, killing many innocent men, women, and children.

We recognize that the United Nations "peace plan" is NOT a plan for peace at all, but would ethnically cleanse 400,000 Jews from their homes and lands. No foreign country or U.N. resolution has the right to decide a nation's borders.

We acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel's God-ordained undivided capital, knowing that Israel's sovereignty will protect the holy sites of all faiths, rather than allowing them to come under control of Hamas terrorists who hate Jews and Christians alike.

We honor Israel as our greatest and most trusted friend and ally in the region, and are grateful for the vital intelligence and technological advances that have enhanced our own security. We believe Israel's ancient prophets who warned of dire consequencs to any nation who would divide your land.

Obama's request was for Israel to contract in size until it is within the borders that existed before the 1967 Six-Day War.

Obama and Netanyahu had a "useful" conversation, Obama reported after the meeting.

"We agreed there is a moment of opportunity that can be seized as a consequence of the Arab spring," Obama said.

He said it is important for the U.S. to support the development of freedom in the Middle East and northern Africa, where movements pressing for democracy have developed.

Netanyahu said, "We have an enduring bond of friendship between our two countries. … We share your hope and vision for the spread of democracy in the Middle East."

He said Israel wants peace.

"I think for there to be peace, the Palestinians will have to accept some basic reality. While Israel is prepared to make generous concessions for peace, it cannot go back to the 1967 lines."

Further, he said Israel cannot negotiate with a Palestinian organization backed by Hamas, which is recognized by the U.S. as a terror organization.

Related Offers:

Get Aaron Klein's bestseller "The Manchurian President" at WND's Superstore!

"Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America" - (Hardcover)

Learn Islam's global agenda to secure all nations under its only religious law: Get "Islam Rising" on DVD

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"The Islamic Antichrist" (Autographed) (Hardcover)

"The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism" (Autographed) (Paperback)

"Why We Left Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out" - (Hardcover)

Previous stories:

Muslim Brotherhood seeks end to 'peace' accord

Syria implicated in deadly clashes on Israeli border

'Peace partner' to mark Israel's founding by releasing terrorists

Obama preps for declaration of Palestinian state

American military targeting Israel?

Israel looks to surrender control of strategic land

Palestinian leaders romancing Hamas

Read more: Americans to Israel: Don't listen to Obama

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Proof That the Revolution Taking Place in America is a Worldview Revolution
by Brannon Howse
(Author of: GRAVE INFLUENCE ...21 Radicals and Their Worldviews that Rule America from the Grave)
USA Cultural Marxism = THE THIRD WAY (A mixture of Fabian Socialism & Capitalism) = One World Government
(Championed by Bill Clinton & Tony Blair, based on Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche and George Hegel philosophies)

Obama's 'worst nightmare' seeks showdown with prez


'I feel God's hand in decision that I am going to announce'

By Chelsea Schilling

© 2011 WND

Herman Cain

An American success story and tea-party favorite who could be Obama's "worst nightmare" tells WND he will make a "very important announcement" to the nation in less than 48 hours.

"I feel God's hand in this decision that I'm going to announce on Saturday, May 21, in Atlanta at Centennial Olympic Park at high noon," Herman Cain, an Atlanta radio talk-show host, former CEO of Godfather's Pizza and 2004 Senate seeker, told WND. "We're expecting more than 5,000 people to be there at the announcement rally."

An invitation on his presidential exploratory committee website notes that Cain will share "his final decision about a potential run for the White House in 2012." His announcement will be broadcast live on his website.

Read Herman Cain's latest: "They Think You're Stupid: Why Democrats Lost Your Vote and What Republicans Must Do to Keep It" – at the WND Superstore!

Hinting at a launch of a 2012 campaign, Cain said, "People are starting to see through the broken promises, the failed policies and lack of leadership of President Obama.

"Americans will do a double take when they hear me talk about my common-sense solutions – they are going to say what thousands of people have said over the past several months: He makes sense. He makes it clear. He gives solutions, and he's not afraid to lead. That's what people want to see."

Cain speaks at Take Back Our Government rally on Oct. 29, 2010

Will Obama meet his match?

In an exclusive July 2010 interview, Cain, a devout Christian, disclosed to WND that he has been "prayerfully considering" a bid for the GOP nomination. He also said he would "take the race card off the table" in a challenge against Obama as the GOP presidential candidate in 2012.

"We need a realistic candidate to run on the Republican ticket who can beat Barack Obama – not just beat the Democrats," Cain said. "We've also got to beat Barack Obama."

He added, "Obama is a master of rhetoric. He is a master of deceptive language. And any white candidate who runs against him will be up against the race card. I take the race card off the table."

As WND reported, Cain recently wowed a focus group of 29 likely GOP voters assembled by pollster Frank Luntz following a May 5 Republican presidential debate in South Carolina.

Even Luntz said the reaction of the group was unprecedented in its unanimity – Cain won. Most of those participating in the focus group had no previous familiarity with Cain. Only one of those bowled over by Cain watched the debate with intention of voting for him.

The following is a video of the focus group's reaction to the debate:

Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann skipped the debate. The event included former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson in addition to Cain.

After talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh watched the South Carolina debate, he declared to his listeners, "Herman Cain made me think I was listening to me in every answer."

"The debate was absolutely a catalyst," Cain told WND. "Our online volunteers and online contributions increased significantly. The media requests have also increased significantly. A lot of people already knew who I was, especially when they read my articles, but after they saw me live on that Fox News debate, things have been going up exponentially ever since."

Cain blew the competition away once again, receiving 28 percent of more than 2,300 votes, in a recent WND poll that asked, "Who's your choice for Republican presidential nominee in 2012?" Ron Paul came in second, garnering 13 percent, while Sarah Palin, Allen West and Michele Bachmann each received 7 percent of the votes. Donald Trump, Chris Christie and Newt Gingrich each received 4 percent or less.

Top 10 results of WND poll on readers' choice for Republican presidential nominee in 2012

In addition to serving as the former president and CEO of Godfather's Pizza for 10 years, Cain, 64, is also former president and CEO of the National Restaurant Association and former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. He's been vice president of Burger King, vice president of Pillsbury Company, a mathematician for the U.S. Department of the Navy and a business analyst for Coca-Cola. He has a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Morehouse College and a master's degree in computer science from Purdue University.

Cain is also president and CEO of The New Voice, a WND columnist, host of "The Herman Cain Show" and author of several books, including "They Think You're Stupid."

Nicknamed "The Hermanator," he has more than 93,000 fans of his Facebook page and nearly 30,000 Twitter fans.

'The Hermanator' on boosting the economy

Cain proposed the following five-point plan to provide an economic boost to the economy:

1) "Lower corporate and individual tax rates. Lower tax rates work, regardless of the poisonous rhetoric that liberals use to make people believe that only the rich benefit from lower tax rates. Lower the corporate tax rate from 35 to 25 percent, because we're the only nation in the world that has not. Also, lower individual tax rates. It's the same proposal that's contained in Rep. Paul Ryan's plan – which probably won't go anywhere, so I'll still have time to do this when I become president.

Herman Cain addresses tea-party crowd

2) "Take capital-gains tax rates to zero.

3) "Suspend taxes on repatriated foreign profits. There's an estimated nearly $1 trillion that could come back into this economy. The last time it was done by President Bush back in 2003, nearly $350 billion came back to this economy.

4) "For one year, provide a real payroll tax holiday for workers and employers – not this piddly 2 percent that Congress approved at the end of the last session that most people never even noticed – the full 6.2 percent that the employee pays and the full 6.2 percent that the employer pays. This is not an original idea. I just extended the idea. Rep. Louis Gohmert of Texas first proposed this when Obama first took office. As usual, the Obama administration and the Democrats ignored any proposal that would allow people to keep more of their own money and that would allow businesses to keep more of the money that they generate.

5) "Make those rates permanent. The lack of permanency on tax rates – which we don't have now – creates uncertainty over this economy which further discourages economic growth because it discourages businesses from investing and taking risks in order to create jobs."

"That would be Phase 1. Those steps represent a direct boost to the economy, not indirect stimulus, as they call it, which has not worked," Cain said. "When we stimulate the economy and also take a machete – a 'Cain machete' – to spending, then we will be getting the dollar back up. We will be putting people back to work. We will have this economy growing again in the way it is capable of growing."

As part of what he called Phase 2, Cain said he would seek total replacement of the tax code in the second half of his first term as president. Instead, he would call for a FairTax, a national sales tax that would replace all federal income and payroll-based taxes.

"I've been a proponent of the FairTax for the last several years," he said. "When people attack the FairTax, they play upon people's ignorance. They basically change the assumptions that are built into the legislation. I didn't just read a short article about the FairTax. I have studied and talked about the FairTax for more than 10 years. That would take some time, and it wouldn't happen right away."

Herman Cain speaks at a May 2010 Fair Tax rally in Duluth, Ga.

Herman's energy-independent America

Cain said he and his team of advisers have already begun to develop a workable energy-independence plan.

"Here's why that is so critical: Our dependence on foreign oil has increased since the early '70s from a little over 20 percent to now almost 70 percent," he explained. "That makes the United States of America vulnerable economically and national security-wise."

Joel Franusic, Flickr

Cain referenced studies that have shown that when gas hits an average of $4 per gallon, Americans begin moving discretionary dollars from other parts of their budgets to pay for fuel.

"That will further suppress the economy," he said. "It pushed the little economic growth that we do have down, which in the first quarter was about 1.8 percent GDP growth. All of last year was about 2.5 or 2.6 GDP percent growth.

"That's anemic when you consider that the Chinese are growing at 10 percent compounded per year. So, as energy becomes more expensive, it also slows down what little economic growth we're going to have."

The U.S. could see a double-dip recession if gas prices continue to rise and hit $6 per gallon, Cain warned.

"That's why an energy independence plan is so critical," he said. "The Congressional Research Service recently issued a report stating that if we were to maximize all of our existing resources – oil, natural gas, shale oil, coal – we could become an energy-independent nation for 50 years!"

The government's regulatory barriers are holding the nation back, Cain argued, adding, "The mere fact that we'd have a serious plan to announce to the world and the energy market would cause speculators to stop speculating up and to start speculate down while we develop our resources over the next 10 years to decrease our dependence on foreign oil instead of allowing it to continue to go up.

"The frustrating thing is – and the American people understand this – we have the resources to do it. We just don't have the leadership to get it done. I would get it done."

Fix nation's entitlement programs

Cain said he believes the U.S. must also restructure its entitlement programs.

"Let's start with the biggest one people don't like to talk about: Social Security," he said, advocating a plan similar to a Chilean model, called an optional Personal Retirement Account system.

He said workers younger than 40 would have the option to put half of their Social Security contributions toward existing Social Security benefits and the other half into a personal retirement account.

"Nobody close enough to Social Security would lose their benefits because they don't have long enough to develop their own account," he explained. "Then you take the other half of the payroll tax contributions and put it in a self-directed personal retirement account with certain requirements – like a 401K, but it's not a 401K – and allow it to grow until you retire."

He said his plan would allow individuals to keep their own dollars in their own pockets.

"What a novel idea! You worked for it," Cain declared. "You invest it and save it for retirement. It's got your name on it, rather than allowing the government to steal the money for now and keep delaying the retirement age, raising the tax rate and decreasing the benefits. I can sell that idea to the American public."

Cain's 4-point immigration plan

Cain outlined his four-part plan to deal with the nation's illegal immigration crisis:

1) "Secure the border.

2) "Enforce the laws that are already there, and make it easy for companies to hire legal workers.

3) "Promote the path to citizenship that's already there. We don't need a new one. We just need to clean up the bureaucracy that slows the current one down.

Border "fence" separating U.S. from Mexico in San Diego, Calif.

4) "This is one I haven't heard any candidate talk about: Deal with illegals who are already here and empower the states to do what the federal government won't do, can't do and has not done. It's very simple: Take the federal immigration laws and just add a line in there that says, 'or the state,' and they will get it done. Empower the states. That's not one you hear everybody talking about.

"What program have we micromanaged out of Washington, D.C., that actually has worked? I trust the states. I believe 45 of them are going to get it right. If the other five don't get it right, they're going to learn from the other 45. I would rather trust the 45 getting it right than trust the federal government because it has demonstrated that it cannot get it right."

Time with the Federal Reserve

Cain has faced criticism from some conservatives for his service as deputy chairman (1992-1994) and chairman (1995-1996) of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who this week launched his own 2012 campaign for president, has consistently sponsored bills calling for an audit of the Federal Reserve System, which prints and controls the dollar and sets associated interest rates. Paul also authored the 2009 book, "End the Fed."

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

However, Cain told WND those who are troubled by his time at the Fed should do some research on the subject.

"They need to go back and look at how the Fed performed in the decade of the '90s when I was on the Fed board," he said. "I'm not on the Fed board now."

He continued, "Secondly, if that's going to be the single disqualifier for people not voting for me, then they are certainly going to pick the wrong person to be president of the United States. Do you want to know why? Because if you end the Fed – this is what Ron Paul wants to do – how many jobs is that going to create? How much energy independence is that going to create? How many immigration problems is that going to fix? How much spending is that going to take?

"I believe that we need to fix the Fed by tightening its mission to what it was back in the '90s, not by ending the Fed."

Cain said he is "proud" of the time he spent with the Federal Reserve in the '90s "because we didn't do a lot of the things that the Fed is doing today."

"I'm not going to apologize for it just to pander to somebody to get their votes," he said. "I don't do pandering very well."

Other important issues

Cain at an event with Fox News' Glenn Beck

Cain told WND in July 2010 that he hoped the GOP would take control of the House of Representatives and start a process to repeal Obamacare.

On abortion, he didn't waver or mince words when it came to his stance: "I believe life begins at conception, so I do not support abortion."

Asked about his beliefs on homosexual "marriage," Cain said his position is clear: "Marriage is between a man and a woman."

On national security, Cain has championed strong military and defense spending that is never cut below 4 percent of GDP.

In his most recent column, "Shooting from the lip is not my style," Cain explained why he hasn't formulated a specific plan for the nation's involvement in Afghanistan.

"To be clear, I want to be out of Afghanistan and all war-torn countries as much as the next person," he wrote. "But I am not going to propose a half-baked plan based on half the information I would need to make the right decision, just to pretend I know everything.

"On the other hand, I do know enough about our solid relationship with Israel from decades of observations that I would make it even stronger, a move that isn't just about dollars. And, I would not be hesitant to let the rest of the world know that we will stand by and with our friends."

Will mainstream media vilify Cain?

Asked whether he believes the mainstream media will give him preferential treatment because he is a black candidate, just as they appeared to do with Obama during the 2008 campaign, Cain responded:

They are going to try and crucify this black guy. If somebody wants to try and play the race card with me or attack me because of my conservative views, I am going to handle that just fine. They are going to try and demonize me, find weaknesses in my agenda and weaknesses in my ideas because I'm conservative. They hate conservatives. I know they're going to come after me. They've already started.

He said some members of the media have already contacted his pastor, hoping to find a radical spiritual leader in Cain's past – much like President Obama's former pastor of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright, who has reportedly made anti-American and racist statements.

"I don't have any Jeremiah Wright pastors in my past," Cain said. "My pastor has never said anything in the pulpit or out of the pulpit that I would ever be ashamed of, so I don't have anything to worry about. He's not going to give them an opportunity to do a hatchet job on something he might say."

Herman Cain

Will Republican Party welcome Cain?

A May 17 Gallup poll measured the "favorability ratings" of probable GOP candidates. Although Cain rated 29 percent in name recognition (the third-lowest ranking in the poll), his "positive intensity score," or favorability rating among those who recognize his name, was 24 – higher than any other candidate in Gallup's poll.

May 17, 2011, Gallup poll shows Cain with highest "positive intensity score" among potential GOP candidates.

Cain said he doesn't think he'll have a problem convincing establishment Republicans to accept him as a legitimate candidate.

"They are not going to reject me," he said confidently. "They're going to slowly warm up to me because I think they are starting to see that I'm creating a lot of excitement."

At the Georgia Republican Convention on May 14, Cain was reportedly greeted with 10 standing ovations that dwarfed those given to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

"He defies the media's idea of what a Republican is," one delegate told the Southern Political Report. "He's a black entrepreneur who speaks for everyone. That's something people are warming up to. Plus, he hasn't held [elective] office before, so he has no record that people can take issue with. He's popular."

On "The Rush Limbaugh Show" today, one caller told Limbaugh he is leaning toward voting for Herman Cain in the Republican primary.

"I don't think anybody is a longshot right now," Limbaugh responded. "There's nothing that says Herman Cain can't win this thing."

But does Cain have what it takes to compete with Obama's massive fundraising efforts?

As one supporter put it, "Obama might be raising $1 billion, but the voters in this country are going to raise some Cain."

More information about Herman Cain can be found at his website.

Read more: Obama's 'worst nightmare' seeks showdown with prez

Thursday, May 19, 2011

White House panic: Corsi book targeted


'Fight the Smears' 2.0 launched, mocks No. 1 best-seller as delusional 'joke'

© 2011 WND

Why is the White House in full defense mode against a book by a small publisher contending Barack Obama is not legally eligible to be president?

Today, the Obama re-election campaign launched an all-out attack on a brand new book critical of Obama, "Where's the Birth Certificate," by bestselling author Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., calling it delusional, laughable and a "joke"... even as it climbed to No. 17 overall, No. 3 in non-fiction and No. 10 in the Kindle version at

If this sounds like major déjà vu, it's because the Obama election campaign did exactly the same thing in 2008 when it mobilized a major assault on Corsi's previous book about Obama, the No. 1 New York Times bestseller "The Obama Nation." And that was a response to the impact of his previous No. 1 New York Times bestseller, "Unfit for Command."

Jerome Corsi's new book, "Where's the Birth Certificate?", is now available for immediate shipping, autographed by the author, only from the WND Superstore

Today's attack by the Obama machine on Corsi's latest and most controversial book was introduced as an offering to sell Obama supporters a T-shirt or coffee mug with an image of the Obama "Certificate of Live Birth" released several weeks ago as well as a portrait of Obama, stamped "Made in America."

In an e-mail dispatched from this morning, Julianna Smoot proclaims, "You'll like this one."

"Let me introduce you to Jerome Corsi," she says. "This week he released a new book that the publisher says will be a bestseller 'of historic proportions.' The title is 'Where's the Birth Certificate?' – yes, really.

"Corsi's work is a greatest-hits reel of delusions, ranging from 9/11 conspiracies to claiming that there is an infinite supply of oil in the Earth's core. In 2008, he published a book about Barack Obama claiming, among other things, that he (a) is a secret Muslim; (b) is secretly anti-military; (c) secretly dealt drugs; and (d) secretly supported terrorist actions when he was eight years old. So many secrets."

The email tells recipients, "The only thing we can do is laugh at it – and make sure as many other people as possible are in on the joke."

(Story continues below)

Then it asks supporters to donate $30 or more to Obama in exchange for a "limited edition" shirt.

The Obama email, and purchase offer:

The Obama email

This is not the first White House reaction to Corsi's latest book. The president himself confirmed that he ordered the release of the "certificate" right after the bestselling "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is Not Eligible to be President" was profiled on the Drudge Report and reached No. 1 on Amazon.

So, why the Obama organization's attack against this particular book, when there are so many other hot-selling books that are also very critical of Obama?

"If what Barack Obama released is really a valid birth certificate that answers all the questions about this controversy, why is the Obama campaign in attack mode on Jerome Corsi's bestselling book?" asks Joseph Farah, CEO of and WND Books, publisher of "Where's the Birth Certificate?"

"Because he fears it is his undoing. Do you really think the $1 billion Obama campaign cares about selling a few coffee mugs? Give me a break. This is an effort to derail media attention from a successful book and media tour that is focusing renewed attention on his ineligibility for office."

Just an hour earlier, Esquire, the Hearst Corporation-owned 79-year-old national magazine, published a fabricated report attacking the Corsi book.

Esquire, which endorsed Obama for president in 2008, claimed falsely in the story that "Where's the Birth Certificate?" was being "pulled from [bookstore] shelves," was being disavowed by the publisher who was offering refunds to customers, and that all copies were being destroyed.

The magazine later claimed it had "committed satire" but not until after a number of major news organizations apparently accepted the report as genuine and contacted WND Books for reaction.

At the Political Punch blog on the ABC News website, Jake Tapper reported that Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt characterized the new effort as a "mobile version" of Obama's 2008 online "fight the smears" effort, which attempted to mute criticisms about his candidacy.

'Fight the Smears' 2.0

About that déjà vu: In June 2008, Obama launched a website called "Fight the Smears" to stop "ideologues" from "spreading a 'pack of lies' about Barack." As WND reported, the site disappeared in July 2009.

"Whenever challenged with these lies we will aggressively push back with the truth and help our supporters debunk the false rumors floating around the Internet," Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor told the New York Times.

Some of the "smears" they intended to smack down included assertions that "Obama's campaign was funded by foreigners," "Obama sought endorsement from the (socialist) New Party," "Obama has connections to Bill Ayers" and "Obama is a Muslim."

The website reserved a special section for its counter-attack on Corsi's 2008 New York Times No. 1 bestseller, "The Obama Nation," featuring a 40-page rebuttal.

However, many of the so-called "smears" of 2008 have turned out to be widely recognized as factual. Moreover, many charges made against Corsi by the Obama campaign were themselves fabricated. For instance, not only did Corsi not state in "The Obama Nation" that the president is a secret Muslim, he said the opposite. In advice to John McCain's campaign, Corsi offered that it would be unwise to make that claim, because one can't "read another person's soul."

Obama's father was a convert to Islam and his stepfather was a Muslim. During the 2008 presidential campaign, the Associated Press published an image of a document that showed Obama's religion as "Islam" and his citizenship "Indonesian" when he lived in the Muslim-majority nation with his mother and stepfather, Lolo Soetoro.

Indonesian school registration for "Barry Soetoro" (AP photo)

Corsi also endured a fierce backlash to his previous No. 1 New York Times bestseller, co-authored with John O'Neill, "Unfit for Command," which charged that Democratic Sen. John Kerry fabricated his image as a Vietnam war hero. The book also recounted his radical anti-war effort that followed his deployment. Many political analysts believe "Unfit for Command" and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign that accompanied it was a decisive factor in Kerry's loss to President George W. Bush in 2004.

Media, including the Associated Press, typically call the book's claims "unsubstantiated" or "debunked," usually without evidence. Those who offered evidence contended the military's records supported Kerry's version of events, without mentioning the group's assertion that it was Kerry himself who wrote the "official record" in many instances, in after-action reports.

When the Kerry campaign did respond to specific claims in "Unfit for Command," it was to backtrack, such as in the case of Kerry's long-held assertion – which he later was forced to recant – that he was in Cambodia illegally Christmas Eve 1968.

Instead of addressing the Swift Boat Veterans' specific claims, the Kerry campaign threatened lawsuits against the television stations that aired the group's ads, demanded publisher Regnery pull "Unfit for Command," accused the group of being run by the Republican Party and attacked the character of co-authors O'Neill and Corsi.

But the lesson the Kerry campaign's ineffectual response to the devastating Swift Boat campaign was this: When Corsi writes a book, counter-attack swiftly and with all barrels. That was the strategy followed by the Obama campaign in 2008 with "The Obama Nation," and again now with "Where's the Birth Certificate?"

Of course, sometimes publicity – even bad publicity – is a good thing.

"Obama's campaign skyrocketed Corsi to immediate and certain fame," wrote commentator Judi McLeod at Canada Free Press.

"Marxists liking to mock their enemies is no guarantee folks will buy Obama's silly coffee mugs," she wrote. "There are too many out there worried they won't be able to come up with the scratch for the coffee to pour into them."

"Meanwhile, the big question 'Where's the Birth Certificate?" just got replaced with 'Why would the president of the USA publicly mock the man who asked?' on a coffee mug?"

At the Chicago Sun-Times, Lynn Sweet wrote, "If the 'birthers' will never believe Obama was born in the U.S., the Obama re-election campaign figures it may as well make some money off of them."

Half of Americans still doubt Obama's birth story

On April 27, with great fanfare, Obama finally released his "birth certificate" after years of stonewalling, spending a fortune on attorneys to block its release and defend against dozens of lawsuits brought by citizens wanting to see it, claiming he had already released it and ridiculing everybody who said he had not released it.

Yet a stunning Gallup Poll taken more than a week later (May 5-8) shows more than half of all Americans remain unconvinced Obama was born in the U.S.

Perhaps that's because, while the establishment press continues to ridicule "birthers" as conspiracy nuts, the White House's April 27 document release has generated vexing new questions and outright contradictions regarding the president's "birth certificate."

For instance, two weeks before Obama finally released his "long-form birth certificate," Hawaii's former Health Department chief Chiyome Fukino – the one official who claimed to have examined Obama's original birth document under lock and key in Hawaii – was interviewed by NBC News' national investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff, who reported that Fukino told him she had seen the original birth certificate and that it was "half typed and half handwritten."

However, the document released by the White House was entirely typed. Only the signatures and two dates at the very bottom were "handwritten." What Fukino described is apparently a different document from what Obama released to the public.

Since the document's late-April release, a flood of expert analyses, some by Obama voters, has cast serious doubt on the legitimacy of the president's belatedly produced "birth certificate."

Moreover, despite the book's controversial title, discussion of the "birth certificate" is actually only a small component of the book's argument regarding Obama's eligibility for the presidency.

Among topics dealt with in "Where's the Birth Certificate?":

• The mainstream media feverishly investigated the presidential eligibility story – that is, when it focused on Obama's Republican opponent, John McCain.

• Obama was born a dual citizen of the United Kingdom and the United States, a circumstance the Constitution’s framers considered an iron-clad roadblock to the presidency. The book documents the clear, original intent of the Constitution's founders, which was that no one with dual loyalties would ever be president and commander in chief.

• As a boy, Obama was officially registered in school as a Muslim and Indonesian citizen, another barrier to U.S. natural-born citizenship.

• The press and blogosphere widely reported Obama was born at Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu – before deciding he was born across town at Kapi’olani Women’s and Children’s Hospital. To this day, Kapi'olani is bizarrely secretive about Obama's alleged birth there.

• The Congressional Research Service, a public policy arm of Congress, officially admits no one in the government ever vetted Obama’s constitutional eligibility.

• In preparation for the 2012 election, more than a dozen states are considering legislation to force all presidential candidates to prove they are constitutionally qualified before they can be placed on that state’s ballot

• Going far beyond the issue of birth certificates, Corsi not only documents inconsistencies, blackouts and outright fabrications in Obama's life narrative that have generated widespread doubts, but lays out a compelling body of evidence that Obama is not a natural-born citizen as is required of all presidents by Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.

One of the biggest disputes that remains unaddressed is why Barack Obama, who lived in Hawaii as a teen, has a Social Security number that indicates he had a Connecticut address.

The controversy over Obama's Social Security number traces back to a WND story May 11, 2010, when it was reported that two private investigators working independently were asking why Obama was using a number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state.

The records indicate the number was issued between 1977 and 1979, when Obama was between 16 and 18 years old and living in Hawaii.

The Social Security website confirms that the first three digits in Obama's Social Security number are reserved for applicants with Connecticut addresses, 040-049.

Since 1973, Social Security numbers have been issued by one central office, and the first three digits of a person's Social Security number have been determined by the Zip code of the mailing address on the application.

Read more: White House panic: Corsi book targeted